Aurora University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Aurora University know before they start?


By attending college I have figured out who I am! If I had not attended college this last year I would not have the confidence that I do know. I would still be the insucure girl that I was when I graduated from high school. By having the change to move out of my house and have to make decissions on my own I got to shape and build a life that I wanted. Everything that I had learned up to last year was know up to me to put to use. It forced me to figure out what I wanted and if I wanted it enough to get it. And I do!! I want to be a vet and that is a lot of school but I want it. I think that if everyone got the chance to attend college then we would live in a different society. I learned things that I would never have learned staying home and just working. I learned skill that will help me with the rest of my life!! It was an experiance I wouldn't give up for anything. I am a better person because of my college experience!


Like at every school my experience with AU has had its ups ands downs- but at Aurora University I have been able to learn through the down periods. For example- the chemistry course I have compeleted this spring semester has helped me realize that eventhough I really did not want to take cemistry, I really needed to. I felt didn't think that I needed nordid I care much for chemistry. My professor Monica Khural showed me that chemistry is all around me. My body could not function properly without things like trace minerals and cofactors. I had believed that being a nurse had nothing to do with chemistry, but actually being a nurse deals with mainly chemistry! If I hadn't taken this course what kind of a nurse would I have become? Definately not a good one. So, thank you Professor Khural, thank you AU for opening this door to becoming the best nurse that I can be. Thank you! I am very honered and pround to have learned from this experience, I am greatful.


In high school, one is graded on what they do as opposed to what they know. Meaning that grades are primarily based off homework, projects, classwork, attendance, etc. In college, however, things are completely opposite. One's grade is based primarily off what they know, meaning their academic excellence is based off quizzes, tests, lab tests, lab exams, etc. This was a big transition for me because all through high school I was told things like, "As long as you do the homework, you'll pass", and I quickly learned that this was not how things worked after senior year. One must study, take good notes, and prepare themeselves for thest and quizzes to fully comprehend the material. Thus, if I were to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to start getting in a better habit of studying and really understanding all the material, instead of doing classwork and expecting to retain information that way. This would have prepared me for college, helped me better study habits, and help me retain more information from high school. In college, it is vital to retain much information, as it will be handy in a career someday.


Traveling back in time would be an ideal dream for me. I would love to go back and see myself as a high school senior. In high school I was percieved by my classmates as the classic shy girl who always did as she was told. I never came out of my shell and let my classmates and teachers see the real me. I'll take you back to the beginning of my senior year in August of 2008. A future version of me would look at myself and lend the advice to go out with a bang. I'm sure I would just look at my future self and just give a wrinkled eye brow and have a confused look upon my face. However, the advice I would choose to give about making the transition from high school into college would be don't hold my cards so close that I do not let strangers and future friends see me for who I really am. All in all, the advice I would give is come out of my shell, make new friends, enjoy the expierience and let people see the person that all of my friends see me as.


Knowing what I know now about college life I would advise any high school senior to regard ones education as an overall learning experience not solely as a means for obtaining a job upon graduation. Successful completion of a degree program is important, but what is most imperative is that students become critically discerning, thinking individuals who know how to articulate themselves verbally and through written communication. If a student cannot think critically and does not how to effectively communicate their thoughts or viewpoints to others then they will be at a disadvantage no matter what occupation they decide to pursue. A well-rounded approach to education is vital to the overall and continuing success and growth of a student.


I would tell myself not to rush into life. Don't get married so young, don't wait to go to school. Appreciate the ease of life as it is right now and take full advantage of it before responsiblities take over you life. I would say you will never regret going to college but one day you will regret not going. No one has ever said "man do I wish I had never gone to college". I would remind myself that if you do the work, school is easy. All it takes is a little time and dedication.


As a High School Senior, I was enamored with the thought of going away to college in far away locations. As a soccer player, I traveled around the country for tournaments and was able to visit many campuses along with my teammates who were also looking for schools to attend. In retrospect, my advice to myself would be to be to consider schools that fit your career path first, and then location second. I have found that the school that best met my needs also happened to be the one that was close to home, and a great value, too!


I would tell myself to through away my television set and make sure that I did more reading of assignments than watching tv. I would also tell myself that I am not the most intelligent person in the world so I should not expect passing grades to come without a lot of hard work. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt to accomplish something, sometimes some people do need to repeat cources in order to graduate. Do not give up on a college degree if you have difficulty in one or two classes. Do not be afraid to ask for help from a professor or tutor if you need it. Professors are in their career to help people not hurt people. Asking questions in class not only helps you but probably someone else in the class also. Last but not least think more carefully as a senior in high school about what you would like to do for your career then ask someone who is in that field about the field of work.


Adam, I know college seems like it will be taxing in so many ways but you will do fine as long as you demonstrate your abilities as a student, a leader, and a friend. When times become hard, reach out to professionals, whether it's mom, dad, or professors and counselors. You can achieve anything you set your mind at Aurora University as long as you excel as a student and a human being.


When entering into college, no matter what, you need to try and get involved in as many clubs and activities that you can because once you open up and meet all different types of people your college experience will be much better. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there to make connections with others becuase the friends you make in college are the friends that you will keep for a lifetime. Try to be as active as you can and also take your studies seriously, but do not forget to have fun along the way also.