Aurora University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Aurora University know before they start?


To be honest, I think the right college for anyone is the cheapest one. No one really wants to spend over $100,000 for school anymore, because jobs are never certain afterward. People are coming out of college with loans to the sky that they cannot pay off. So my advice is to shop around and try to find the best price. College is just like any other business in which tuition could be negotiated. If people were to start negotiating prices, like they would a car, I think tuition would come down a lot and be more affordable for people.


When choosing the right college for you, size matters. The size of a campus is a very imporant part of your decision making process. Some students are better suited for large schools then small ones or vice versa. For me a smaller campus was the ideal choice . The second thing to consider when choosing a school is the population of a school . You'll want to find a school where you'll feel comfortable with the race or ethnicity of the people around you as well as find students with similar beliefs and values to the ones that you have. A good college is like your second home, when you've found the right fit you'll be ready for school to be over at the end of the year but your heart will not want to leave. Once you get to college you'll need to find a good balance of work and fun. Join In! Join clubs and organizations and meet people with similar interests. The goal of college is to find yourself to shape who you are. The last piece of advice I can give you is to study. Study hard because thats what your there for.


Time management skills are essential


If possible, the student should try to figure out what he or she wants to major in school. This is very important because if he or she is decided then the next step is what schools offer the best program for that major. Parents and students also have to look at if the student is going to live at home or on campus. Parents have to ask themselves: Do we want him or her to move away to another state? Can we afford it? I highly believe that if a student goes to a college/university with a decided major, he or she will be able to finish his career on time because he or she will know what courses to take and how long it will take to get there. Joining extracurricular activities will help you socialize more and interact with others. I joined a club where we teach K-5th graders Spanish and it is such a rewarding experience. Basically parents and students have to look at: a major, a school, financial aid and housing options. Aurora University, for example offers an entrance scholarship for all incoming freshment, it is very helpful!


It is an awesome campus and has wonderful faculty


To the students go on visits and find the right college the feels best to you. Parents let your student go on as many college visits as possible


Look for a college that will make the student most comfortable. Make sure their are lots of activities the student enjoys doing on campus and near campus. Find out what is in the area and whether it is easy accesible by car or bus or walking depending on the situtation. Be sure the school offers everything academically that is needed to ensure the student does he or her best. As for the student, to make the most of college experience be willing to try new things and be very sociable. Take up opportunities to hang out with new people. This is college; have fun, don't be afraid, mistakes will happen but it is time to try new things and discover the person you want to be. Enjoy the experience!


If I were to give advice to students about finding the right school for them, I would tell them to find a school that they are passinate about going to. Students should choose a school that they want to go to, not because their parents want them to. Find a school that they might find enjoyable and apply for it. Do not be afaird to take chances. In order to make the most of the college experience, I think it is important to become involved in the college community. Join any club, sport, or organization that may seem interestring to you. Students should also strive to be open-minded and be friendly. Obviously, studying is very important, but remember to have some fun, laugh, and make friends. College is about growing mentally and socially.


Take time and research the schools of your choice and then talk about it as a family. And to just always keep the lines of communication open!


Find a college where you will actually learn. Make sure that class sizes are small and teachers have a professional background.