Someone who wants to do well later in life, but still wants to have fun now. Someone with good values, someone who wants to make friends for life and feel proud of their school
A common Baylor bear trait is pride. Not pride in a selfish sense, but pride for our school and studies. We believe that Baylor is setting us on the right path for our futures, and that it is an essential step to get us there The kind of student that should attend Baylor is one that would not be ashamed to proclaim they're a Baylor bear, put be excited to share it. Being a student Baylor is not about how intelligent you are, but about being known for your integrity, your friendliness, and most of all Baylor pride!
A person who is seeking to grow their knowledge while at the same time growing their spiritual relationship with God would be a perfect candidate for Baylor. This school offers many different opportunities for it's students to participate in missions, prayer services, and community service for the less fortunate in Waco and all around the world. A person who enjoys giving back to his/her community and realizes that there is more to the world than just his/her selfish needs would fit in perfectly here at Baylor University.
A motivated student.
People who are excited about life and passionate about learning should attend Baylor University. Baylor is a great fit for those who strive to excel academically and those who are looking for a loving community. The student population is around 15,000, so students do not feel overwhelmed or feel like just a number. Students are welcomed and invested in by professors and staff and there is a genuine interest in student's lives by professors. Baylor University is a unique campus and is sure to be a great experience.
Baylor is a very open school even though it is proclaimed as a Baptist school they are very receptive to other religions, sexual orientations, and lifestyles. It's like high school all over again and there is something out there for everybody.
Because of Baylor's southern baptist reputation most who haven't visited the school would say a good baptist church kid is the type of person who should attend BU. But after living here a semester I can say most people I've met here don't fit into that mold. Most of them don't fit into any one type of mold. The one thing everyone I've met at Baylor shares is compassion. And BU is great at providing service opportunity's for it's students to give back to the community in Waco.
A person who wants to be around good, moral people who are trying to be the best they can should attend this school.
A Christian student whom is successful academically and is also interested in campus life. The student must also enjoy volunteer work or missions trips because this school is full of them and wants many students who are willing to help others out.
Anybody can attend Baylor. It is the most welcoming community I have ever been a part of. A person who aspires to excell and grow as a Christian would have one of the most amazing experiences of their life. A person who loves to be around people all the time would enjoy the small classes and friendly professors. Baylor is a great school for anyone who has the privelege to attend.