Baylor University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Baylor University?


I believe that someone with a big heart for people and community should attend Baylor. Volunteering is so important, and we are surrounded by a very poor population. Someone who truly desires to help while getting a great education should go to Baylor. Socioeconomic background, ethnicity, and religious affiliation are put aside when the goal is to help improve others' lives.


Determined and driven person! Don't go if you are lazy.


One that is willing to work hard in order to gain knowledge and one that doesn't mind a more conservative atmosphere


The person who attends Baylor should have high goals for themself, be willing to study to make the grades, and be able to block as much distraction out as possible when needed. This is a Christian University and religion plays a large part in the campus community. Unfortunately, this all comes at a high cost as a large majority of students are medical, engineers, or business majors. Baylor has a history in the community like no other.


All individuals are welcome at this school, but the students that portray large amounts of interest will get the most out of this school. Baylor encourages everyone to participate in school functions, so it is good to be a social person. Another thing Baylor emphasizes in their faith based school. Many schools claim to have Christian backgrounds, but Baylor is the only school I know of that actually practices what it preaches, so students with faith based backgrounds as well as open-minded individuals will experience something more than and education could offer.


Anyone who loves having a good time being very spirited and loves tradition.


Someone who attends Baylor should be open to learning new things and having their previous perspectives challenged. Also, they should be interested in getting an education, not just pre-job training. Students attending Baylor will truly flourish if they acknowledge the spiritual side of life, as Baylor is built upon the premise that we learn in order to better serve causes greater than ourselves -- such as God, democracy, freedom, poverty, family, and opportunity. Finally, Baylor is a school committed to the creation and maintenance of strong interpersonal relationships. Someone who is even somewhat people-oriented will fit right in here.


A Christ based student with a high intellect, who wants to advance in the field of study.


Someone who is very serious about their studies and does not mind all the religious talk and activities


Any, mostly religious people go here, but if you aren't you would still fit in well