Baylor University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Baylor University?


southern baptist rich white person


Someone who has a strong desire to learn while developing relationships with friends and instructors.


Anyone who cares about their education and wants a blanced social life as well.


Students who are fast-paced learners willing to devote a great deal of time to their studies. Students must be serious about their school work and be very goal-oriented. Self-discipline is a must at this university, because classes are highly competitive and the workload is heavy.


Upper middle class, white, rich christian conservatives. They'll fit right in! Seriously though, anybody is welcome and does well here.


anyone can attend this school but it is not for me to say anyone intrested should go to an preview and see if the like the campus. this campus can be a little expensive but financial aid is not hard to come by as long as you keep your gradees up. don't expect to come to this school and drink it just doesn't haapen and the campus has strict and enforced policies against alcohol regardless of your age. i for one like these rules.


There is no certain "type" of person recommended to attend Baylor. The students at Baylor are diverse and unique. However, one should be willinging to work for their degree. It will take dedication, determination, and time.


I feel a person who wants a to have a strong background in faith and wants to learn in a environment that brings a Christian background and wants classes where teachers know your name and do not identify you as a number. This is a University where you will not get by just doing the minimum you really need to go over and beyond for what you want in life.


any person can attend this school, the people are extremely helpful and kind.


Want to be involved on campus, in the community, and in the classroom. Looking for a quality education and a place where you can be as involvede as you want. Someone who wants to use the advantage of Baylor's standing in the professional world and alumni loyalty to make use of their degree and come out of college with a great career lined up before graduating. Looking for a school that is large enough to provide the benefits of a D1 school with the small classrooms and consolidated campus of a much smaller college.