Baylor University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Baylor University?


balancing school and social life


The most frustrating aspect of Baylor was the strong emphasis on greek life. I didn't like being tied to one large group so I never joined an organization until my senior year. My sorority was a small service group that has no other affiliation. The social scene at Baylor definitely revolves around fraternities and sororities. That being said, I was still able to find a group of people to connect with and made several close friends over the years.


They water way too much, even when it rains.


I think that the way that people tend to group together is the most frustrating aspect of this university. People sometimes get very comfortable within their group and they do not want to stray far from their group. I think this makes it intimidating for new studnets.


Its cost. Its hard to pay for school and books are very expensive. We always use the new editions and some used books you still have to buy codes online if you buy them used.


The students can be very fickle in regards to school spirit and there is a self imposed separation from the faculty and can impair learning.


I find that a large number of students do not know who they really are, so they follow the crowd and are not true to themselves or to the people surrounding them.


As I said, there is a good amount of diversity within the student body, but with that said, there is a much higher percentage of greek students than non greek. If you are planning on not going that direction, it is possible to find friends, but a little more difficult.


The way financial information is spread


Foreign language course requirements are different for different degrees, and it doesn't make sense. Business requires 1 semester, whereas Political Science requires 4.