Baylor University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Baylor University?


professors are not engaging. dont care whether you pass or fail


Texas' crazy, confused weather that changes three times a day! And the fact that a lot of Baylor students are here on daddy's money and take things for granted that the rest of us have to work really hard for.


The aforementioned trust fund kids. It's kind of hard being the only poor person you know.


The fact that it is located in Waco.


I dont really feel like there is enough racial diversity. I am African American, and I rarely see people who look like me in my classes. I am also a music major so I barely ever see other African Americans with in my major. I also feel like there is some racial tension at Baylor. I have never witnessed it firsthand, but I've heard from friends that they have been discriminated against in the past.


The pressure of maintaining good academic standing in order to enter a good graduate school or future career.


The most frustrating thing about Baylor is the limited amounted of parking spaces.


The majority of the people are very close-minded and not open to things that are different from the way they were brought up.


Rich, upper class atmosphere with emphasis on wealthy dress and expensive cars. Over-emphasis on sorority and fraternity participation. Extreme emphasis on sports and intramural participation - to the point of sacrificing studies.