Belmont University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Belmont University know before they start?


Get organized and remember that slow and steady wins the race. There are a lot of interesting looking classes, but pace yourself and don't overload your credits. Taking too many classes can mean a lower over all G.P.A. because there are many hours of homework and multiple tasks to accomplish. Take an average load and do those classes well. In addition take care of your finances. Meet those deadlines for financial aid and scholarships, plus work part-time to keep yourself out of school debt. Finally, these are great years and there are a lot of new and interesting people to meet in college. Get social and let the people, culture and entire college experience shape you into a more interesting and well rounded person. These are years of major personal growth. Have a plan and dive into it!


Do your best!


If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to be more well prepared for college. I would advise myself to think about collge more seriously, and to try a little harder in taking the opportunities that will help me in college, such as saving/ recieving more money and working harder in school. I would also advise myself to be more motivated in what I am passionate about and to never give up on what I want. I would tell myself that bad times will always pass, and I just have to have the will to get through it. The best thing I could do is relax but never lose sight of what I want and work hard to achieve it.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say not to be afraid of what lies ahead. I would tell myself not to assume anything; that each day would take care of itself and lead me to the next thing I should be doing. High school can seem like a dead end, but college is open ended and full of possibilities. The people you meet and classes you take will challange you in ways you can never imagine. Yes, high school is great, but there is some much more to be experienced. Save yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually for the amazing adventures that await. Do your best, but realize that you can only learn so much in high school. College is the true preparation for life. Aspire to finish strong and launch into the next segment of life with energy and purpose.


The first thing that I would tell myslef, would be to have an open mind about the people that go to your college. There are all kinds of people at every college, each with different opinions on every subject you can possibly think of. If you close off your mind and think that your way is the only way, you can really miss out on gaining wisdom and interacting in unique experiences. My first semester in college I closed myself off to others, and it got me nowhere. If I could go back, I would definitely like to open my mind to the possibilites from the start, so that I could get the best out of my college experience. The second thing I would tell myself, is to not think too hard when it comes to making a decision on what college to attend. You should attend whatever college you felt you fit in best. It doesn't matter how academically prestigious the college is. If you don't fit in, your college experience will be a lousy one. If I could go back, I would tell myself this so that I could relieve myself of this unneeded stress.


Do NOT be scared to try new things! When I first started college, I had a rough transitionary period. Though I lived with one of my friends from high school, it was a very tough time for me for several reasons. Since I had the familiarity of living with a high school friend and living so close to home, I was in an awkward spot where my former high school career kept intertwining with my new college one. It took months for me to fully adjust and discover what I really wanted to do--who I really wanted to be. The best advice I could give would be to dive in head first--college is tough for everyone at first! It's hard to move away from your friends and family, but once you open your heart and mind to those around you, it truly is one of the greatest times of you life. Embrace it and move forward!


Realize what makes you happiest and go for it. Remember loved ones have their opinions and wish you would do things a certain way, but deep down they want what makes you happiest. Look ahead and remind yourself that things will not always be as they are and cherish the good things you have - anything "bad" can be chalked up to experience.


To go back and talk to ones-self, hmm, what an interesting proposition. All of my advice would boil down to one set of ideals, a mindset you could call it. This mindset would be one of triumph over the difficulties and trials that each and every person faces. A mindset of you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, it matters not what life throws at you, you will overcome. Now this is not to be misconstrued as a reason to act foolishly or without any care for the repercussions of one’s own actions. This is more, it is a message saying that to be a strong and well integrated adult there must be a strong foundation of high moral character, and above all to finish college early taking time off does not help anybody achieve their life goals.


I would tell myself to enjoy it more. I spent my entire freshman year stressed out about classes, finances, my roommate, and working. I didn't take the time to socialize as much as I should have. I didn't try new things. I did not have the typical freshman experience, because I didn't "stop to smell the roses." It took me a year to realize that I was at this amazing school and that I should celebrate and enjoy every second!


If given the opportunity to speak to my high school self, I would be sure to mention not to waste valuable academic time on classes that you do not need. It is very important to be confident in yourself and to not be afraid to do what truly makes you happy at the beginning of your college career instead of trying to make other people happy.