Going to college was not just an option for me, it was my choice, my dream, and my future. When I was nearing the end of my high school career, I thought I had it all figured out. I was a serious case of senioritus and a let-me-out-of-this-small-town-itus. All I wanted to do was to spread my wings and prove to the world I can do it. After attending Belmont University for one full year, I experienced so many new situations that I would never imagine myself being faced with. I was in a dorm shared with two other girls and eight bathroom stalls shared by 90. I transferred to the Best Buy in Nashville to keep my job and I never knew how bad traffic could be. So far in my experience, I have learned to slow things down a notch and take in new challenges as new opportunities. New opportunities to network, make friends, create future business, and most of all, the opportunity to create a better me.
My college experience has taught me to persevere even when I am discouraged. It has taught me how to deal with people and professors who have different views from me in a way that doesn't compromise my beliefs, but also does not demean them. It has also allowed me to form new friends with values and interests similar to mine. It is preparing me to start my career.
As a college student, I've learned so many things, not only academically, but also for personal growth. I've been able to make a transition since I was in High School. I thought that because I didn't really have plans to go to a 4 year university, I could just take it easy in a 2 year college. The fact that a community college is such a great help for a student with less resources, like myself, is something that I've learned to take advantage of.
I've been able to grow academically with great teacher that there are in Housatonic Community College; teachers that know what they are talking about. I've been able to focus more on the business world, what employers would want from me, how I can do my best. Such things have made me look more into the real world and realize that I can really make a difference in my future work place. Right now all I have to do is take advantage of my education and do my best so that in the near future I can contribute my skills in a great workplace.
I have always believe that education is very important and people should always further their education. My experience of college has always been positive in the time I have been able to attend. My desire to help people has also help me in the course of study I wanted to go into. I have changed my study many times, but have always come back to the medical field because of the endless possibilities that you can use thru life. Medical has always been a field that will challenge you and it has all kinds of advancements no matter what age. You are never to old to go back to school and complete your dream.
Thus far throughout my college experience I have learned a lot. Not only have I learned valuable information from my classes but I have improved many skills. The largest improvement I have made is my composition skills. I have also learned a lot about managing a business. Although it is important for me to continue my education because I have a lot of skills yet to learn, in order to manage a business. My college experience has also allowed me to gain better interpersonal skills. College has exposed me to a varied of people. Interacting with those who are different from myself has helped to improve my communication skills. College has been valuable to attend because it has allowed me to grow as a person and will continue to help me grow.
From my college experience thus far, I have been able to earn credits from transfer courses that will allow me to save money when I start at my four year school in the fall. The experience has been valuable both from a financial standpoint, and a preparation standpoint. I started taking college classes when I was 16, so the two years between then and my high school graduation allowed me to experience a workload before I enrolled full-time. This prepared me for the heavier workload, and higher expectations from professors. It allowed me to achieve better grades in college because I already knew what to expect.
Seeing as it is only my second semester of my first year, I am still in the adjusting stage. Being at Belmont has already taught me what it takes to be in the music business, which makes me strive further and want to get better.
I have gone through a lot of learning and growing experiences that honestly haven't really had anything to do with the school directly but more with hardships i've gone through on a personal level, but I would have never gone through them without the things I had been exposed to by attending this school as opposed to any other one. I love the teachers here and the quality of education and I love the music that surrounds the campus. I also value certian relationships that I have formed with people I have met at school.
I would tell myself to be free from anxiety about the impending changes that college brings. College will be a trying time and present the challenges of independence and many important decisions, but it will also be an indispensable part of shaping who I will be in the future. The most important things to keep in my mind are to remain worry-free, listen to the advice of those that care about me, and to trust my intuition about what paths to take in the future.
Never waste an opportunity. Never under-value an experience. Never judge someone based upon a first impression, and never room with your best friend. Throw away your preconceived notions of how the world works and truly try to see it through the eyes of another. Actively engage with the people around you. Determine to make a positive difference, and then act on that determination. When you go away to college, the people around you have no idea who you are. Change that. Homesickness is born from a sense disconnection-- so connect! No matter what that first semester hits you with, do not give up. When your friends transfer home at Christmas break, press on. When your classes are harder than you expected, relish the challenge. When your wallet gets thin, invest in Ramen noodles for a dime a pack. Simplify, downsize, refocus, and realize that you don't have to be the best. Just be the best that you can be. Never forget where you came from, but do not let it decide where you are going. The true transition is not between where you were and where you are, but between who you were and who you are becoming.