Make sure you are willing to meet new and different people, and try new and exciting experiences. College is all about learning how to make it in the real world, so soak in and try to make the most of your experience by being willing to put yourself out there, and take some chances. The experiences you will gain from taking chances are things that can't be replaced or done at any time in your life. Make sure to find something you are passionate about, and work at it to become the best you can be.
To find the right school, you need to find a school with a lifestyle that accomodates the likes of your student to some degree, but also includes large changes culturally. I've learned more from a diverse surrounding than any inclass situation. In addition, the definition of the "right school" changes drastically for different situations for families, financially, scholarly, athletically, or spiritually. To make the best of the college experience, it is important for the student to work hard and gain understanding of what they are learning, but it is also equally important to never take college too seriously. The people you end up working with after school are usually the ones you meet in "non-educational" situations.
Finding the right college requires that you take many things into consideration. More often than not your plans and goals will change during college. For this reason it is important that you pick a college that of course satisfies your needs and goals, but also one that is well-rounded and flexible, with plenty to offer if things change. During college many students change their major at least once, study abroad, or decide to persue graduate school.
Community college is also an excellent option to consider. The education at most community colleges is either on par or exceeds that of an established university because there will generally be less students per class creating a better student to teacher ratio and usually the professors are there because they really want to teach, compared to other professors at more reputable schools who may only be interested in research. Community college is also a fraction of the cost. Completeing your first year or two at a community college is a great way to get your generic courses out of the way which you would take during the beginning of any standard university. Community college transfers are also more competitive than high school freshmen.
My advice would be simple. Think about what you want to get out of your college experience, maybe make a list of things you want and don't want, then do your research. The most important thing to know it what your college offers and doesn't offer. Another important factor to consider the cost of attendance and make sure that all your finances are in order before classes begin. Once you go to make your decison think about all that you have learned then just follow your heart.
Finding the right college is one of the most important decisions one can make. Choosing a college that will suffice your academic needs and at the same time be able to give you a comfortable enviroment will help you enjoy your time at college, while allowing to be more focused. Your college experience will help you find yourself and ready you for the world outside of school.
Be prepared! I would tell students to go with their intinct. Go with your first choice and choose the place where you feel most welcomed and accepted. Once there, make the most of it, a professor once told me, your can't do everything, but do what you do well. A college graduate told me that you can't do everything, so don't sweat it, just do your best and have fun! As much as the college experiance is about learning and discovering your career, it is also the best years of your life and a good time to have fun with friends.
Really look deep into the schools and talk to people who've gone there, and are going there, for the degree that you're seeking. Don't just take what the school says at face value. Often times, even if there is truth in what they say, it will be overstated to make them look good.
The best advice I can give someone finding the right school is this: DO NOT RUSH. I changed colleges 5 times before I knew I was in the right place. I wasted a lot of effort and money, and went through a lot of stress, because I thought it was better to go to a respected school than go to the right school for me. With each school I went to (aside from the school I graduated from) I quickly became unhappy and looked into transferring for the next semester. If I was to go through my first two years of college again (not knowing where I wanted to go), I would have gone to a community college until I figured it out. And this is what I would suggest to any unsure prospective college student. Go to a community college until you find the right place for you... that is, unless you've figured that out in high school.
I would suggest in looking at colleges way in advance maybe even while still a sophmore in high school. That way you have more opportunities to search for different schools and visit more of them together. It makes a big difference once you can see the school and meet some of the students that attend there. It gives you a better feel of what it will be like for you as a student. Also, the more time you search in advance, the more time you can compare the different degrees and programs that may best work for you.
The best advice to give to the student would be to get involved. School is what you make it. If you sit around not doing anything but talking to your boyfriend or girlfriend back home then you will not enjoy yourself. Trust me, my roommate did this for two years then transfered to a school closer to home.Get out and enjoy yourself. Make friends, join an organization that suits you, but whatever you do, do not make the same mistake my roommate did. Also, your parents do a lot for you so make them proud.