Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania?


The professors are extremely helpful and go above what they need to.


The calmess and peacefulness of the campus. Even while their are students running around and going to classes, the campus always is a great place to be. Everyone is welcoming and available to help you out when needed. The people there are really kind and the teachers are very helpful. There is always something to do. Whether it is hanging out with your friends, doing activites for a club you participate in, or going to the gym, there is always something to do on campus.


That it is full of great people and there are always things to do. I tell them that the teachers are great, and the location of the school is perfect.




Bloomsburg Block Party!!!


That schools around the country for the Deaf call Bloomsburg every year asking if there are any soon-to-graduates who are available to be hired for the following school year.


A lot of the professors are very friendly and most of the programs offered at our school are top of the line.