Boise State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Boise State University? Why?


I don't feel that my experience thus far has had any "worst" moments. However, if I had to choose, I would say the most challenging aspect of this college would be it's size. It is a very large school, and easy for me to feel overwhelmed with the sheer amount of people on campus. I hope that BSU will have a personalized feel.


I am very serious about my school work, and I have found that some of the professors are not as serious about school as I am. I have a hard time learning in this kind of environment when the professor seem to not be intresting in the subjuect they are teaching. I have also found that some of the professors are not that organized, and i have to remind them about things they have for got to do.


There isn't a lot of campuss involvement. A lot of students live off campuss so there is a tendancy for people to come to campuss for class and then go right home. Consequently, campuss is not the center of everyone's social lives.


Scheduling classes, might be easier with an advisor though =/


The worst thing about Boise State is that it is difficult for students to complete a degree by attending only in the evenings or on weekends. The university seems to have great options for graduate students, but because the professors have to be available in the evenings for the graduate students, there are no many convenient options for undergraduate night classes.


There isn't much going on outside of campus except for outdoors actvities.


As far as I can think of off the top of my head, there isn't much that I can ask for in terms of improvement. Other than one teacher who was a little too harsh at times, I have had an excellent experience so far.


The only limitation I have experienced at BSU is if you choose alternative modes of learning, then it is very important to be a an effective communicator. Things can get lost in translation sometimes, and this can hinder you in your journey to learn. I have seen students struggle with this in past semesters and have learned that if you are not explicit in communication with the University (via students, instructors or otherwise), then this can dampen ones experience of learning.


The worst thing about this school would be the lack of attention on the academic programs. Here at Boise State University, the academic classes are rigorous and challenging. However, even though it is challenging, the courses teach you many things that will prepare you for the career of your choice. Due to the high standards and rigorous classes, it makes students realize they have to work hard to get the grades they want.


That it does not offer specific courses during certain semesters. I dont like this becasue there are courses I specifically need and when spring semester registration came there were classes i needed and they said they did not offer it this semester.