Boise State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Boise State University? Why?


Dry Campus


That there is smoking on campus.


I think one of the worst things about my school is some of the teaching styles used by proffesors here. There are many different people in classrooms and everyone has different learning styles. Some teachers just stand up and lecture for class everyday. This is great for auditory learners, but for people like me, these classes can be extremely difficult. I think teachers should take into consideration the different learning styles of their students, and use visuals as well as lecture and maybe hands on activities to increase intrest in the classroom.


Not many options for housing and living conditions after the first 2 years as on campus housing is mostly new students.


The availibility of classes. It is hard to get into classes because some are only offered during certain semesters or even during certain years. It makes it hard to finish.


There are several professors that will flunk you from the class if you question their teaching/ideas or you call them on facts that they have wrong. The parking issue needs to be addressed...there is very little parking available inless you buy several permits in order to park in different lots.


The advisor help at this school isn't really that helpful. From personal experience, all the advice I was given was common sense. There is no checking up by your "advisor", so you really are on your own in this area.


I think that the worst thing about my school is that everything is centered around our football team--it's exciting and great, but at the same time there are many other sports and exciting parts about our school. I also wish that there was more of a focus on volunteering and being economically friendly. More focus on art and creative expression would be great too!


I think it is most colleges and universities, but my major complaint is the dumbing down of material. I understand a professor needs to make reasonable efforts to make the material understandable by all of the students in class. However, I find it annoying and disappointing when the entire class is slowed down because some students simply don't put forth the effort to succeed, so the professor spends extra time rexplaining things. Laziness should not be rewarded as this simply encourages it. Eucation is expensive, and if I'm paying to learn then I want to learn it all.


How expensive it is. Everything there costs money, even to take a class that is taught online costs more than taking just a normal class. Parking and books are ridiculous. And I HATE the way the math classes are. They are mostly taught online only, I do not understand why they would do that. Math is the type of subject that people need to be able to sit and ask questions about and see examples, something like English would be better for people to learn online, not math.