Boise State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Boise State University? Why?


It is hard to find social orgainizations. Things like parking are extrememly expensive.


It's very focused around athletics, especially football.


It's racest. People here are not open-minded. It stems from and ignorance. Students parents and grandparents are racest.


There seems to be a conservative bias and an intolerance of those that are different.


The worst thing about my school is that it is in Idaho instead of Texas.


They're much too focused on their athletic programs, primarily the football team.


This school is obsessed with the athletic teams to the exclusion of students who are just keeping their noses to the grind stone and getting their education so they can get on with life. I find that a lot of classes are cancelled without prior notice, which I don't feel is right as I am here to get an education and if the professors are too busy to teach then we should get a break on the cost of our tuition.


some of the classes are too large and there is not enough student/teacher interaction in them.


The math department could keep getting better teachers to relate to kids and not just beat the same hammer on theorey and principle.


The worst thing about this school is I don't always feel like education is the main focus.