How important it is to become involved in clubs/organizations. BU is a large school (30k+) with an open campus. It is easy to become isolated/forgotten in the crowd of students. Participating in interst groups is an important way to connect with others.
I wish I had known how important it is to get involved with extracurriculars and how important it is to find a balance.
I wish I had known how much walking I would be doing everyday.
I am starting in the fall, but I wish I had remembered just how much work goes into getting ready for school. All the financial details and papaer work are very important and I think a lot of students forget how much of that there ends up being. It is important to be organized and dedicated even before classes start.
Before I came to this school, I wish I had known what extra curriculars I would want to get into. Boston University is a very large school and sometimes it is easy to be interesting in everything and not have enough time to do one thing in particular. However, the diversity of extra curricular activities makes the school that much better (in my opinion).
Boston is a great place to go to school, but sometimes the transition from living at home to living with roommates can be too much. I wish I knew how to manage my time better as a freshman and that created a physical schedule to balance the time I needed to study and have fun. I also wish I formulated a spending budget at the beginning the year. If I had I probably could've avoided frivolous spending on items that I didn't need or later regretted.
I wish I had known how important it is to make friends freshman year.
More about the East Coast
I don't really know...maybe that it's not the newest and renovated school ever. And how the T is sometimes not that reliable.
How big it really is, it can be really overwhelming and lonely at times but after a while its nice not to know everyone on the street or feel obliged to talk to people all the time
I wish I had been more motivated to join clubs and activities. There are tons on campus and it is so easy to get involved.
Nothing, the universtiy was exactly what I thought it would be, great!
I wish I had known all the extracurriculars there are here at BU, because I could have decided what groups to join quicker, and I could have joined more.
I wish I had known more about campus housing, and how to organize my classes better because I found that doing a 4-4-2 system is better. The 4-4-2 system is where you take four classes each semester and then two classes during the summer to ease the workload of an engineering program.
I wish I would've known more about the large number of classes which were available to me. Initially, I had an idea of the large number there were but in actuality I underestimated the exact number which there were. Had I known this, I feel I would've academically gotten more out of my first semester as a freshman.
I wish I had known how easy it is to follow the crowd, and how important it is to be true to who I am and who I was raised to be. I wish I had been informed that there is no reason to hide your beliefs becaus of what others will think because the most important thing is that you are comfortable with who you are and what anybody else thinks shouldn't phase you.
Before coming to Boston University, I wish I had known the importance of making a conscious effort to create relationships. Yes, this seems like common sense, but BU is unique in the sense that it is sprawled out in an urban setting. Though our buildings are everywhere, sometimes it is extremely difficult to find good friends because there aren't a lot of places to gather. So, in order to find those new best friends, you have to be creative, friendly, and absolutely willing to put yourself out there.
The city of Boston is essentially the campus of Boston University, which indubitably provides an educational and multicultural playground. Although the city bustles with exciting people and activities, it can be effortless to squander money. It is unfortunate that there are few activities in Boston that do not depend upon human consumption. I wish I had known that social occupations would be so expensive and that urban life is so seductive in its means to enthrall and impoverish.
I wish I would have known how immature and inexperienced I was. I quickly found out that I knew little about the way the world worked and how I could express exactly who I am. I was prepared for college academically, but not at all socially. I went through a radical identity crisis my first year of college, which I feel I could have been more prepared for if I had not been so ignorant and sheltered in my home town. Now, I am very happy with who I am now and I definitely went to the right school.
I wish I had known how much trouble I would have making friends in such a large school.