Bradley University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Bradley University accurate?


These stereotypes are not accurate.


No, it's the exact opposite and we excel in things like Engineering, Debate, etc.


yes, the only thing that there is to really do is go to parties


Only in isloated cases


While many of the students are from the suburbs and of a Caucasion background, this generalization is simply not an accurate representation of the student body as a whole, which has proven to be diverse and interesting.


the positive ones yes, negative ones a smidge


All those stereotypes are inaccurate. Bradley has a wide variety of students coming from different backgrounds and different socioeconomical statuses. And no not all Greek members live in ANIMAL HOUSE. Last year the greek community raised over $50,000 and performed over 500 hours of community service.


Yes, but if people wanna get involved and they definitely can. And people can avoid cliques if they put the effort, BU even though its not a huge school ar 6,000 u can avoid people easily, and meet new people too.


No, not everyone chooses to join a greek house and there are many other non-greek organizations and activities. Also, there is not a certain "type" of person for each fraternity/sorority, nor a certain "type" of person that joins.


Partcially most of the students are involved in the greek life.