Bradley University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Bradley University accurate?


Yes and No


No. Bradley has a lot of different cultures on campus, even if a lot of the students are from the Chicagoland area. I have found that hardley any of the Chicago kids are suck-up...most of them are very respectable, and down to earth types of people. Yes and no. Bradley is not in the best area, but there is this thing we like to call the Bradley Bubble. Bradley sits on a hill, atop Peoria, Il. We are very sheltered in this area, away from crime, and all the "real world" stuff. When you go to orientation, you are warned not to "go down the hill". "down the hill" is where most of Peoria's crimes, and drugs happen. But believe me, none of this is a factor while you are at school. I've been at BU for 2 years now, and I have never ever had a problem with that, and neither have any of my friends.


No, we have rich kids, and we are multicultural, there does tend to be alot of jewish community but it affects the campus positively


Not at all.




Yes, if you are to walk into the dorms on a friday or saturday night, probably over half of the students, mostly underage, are completely wasted and drunk and nothing is done to stop this.