Because Bradley is such a small school it is very easy to know professors names. Students study hard and are competitive in the classroom. Public Relations is a great major and the communications department is amazing.
Academics at Bradley are great. Again, because it's a small school most or all of your professors will know your name. My favorite class was probably, painting. I'm an art major but I wasn't required to take it. But the teacher was great and she really gives you personal attention. My least favorite class was Oceanography. For a 300 level class there was WAY too much information to retain for each test and the tests were the only grades in the class. Students study to varying degrees, depending on their major(s). Because I was an art major, I spent my time doing artwork instead of studying. But I had lots of sorority sisters who were nursing, accounting or English majors and they spent a lot of time studying. Class participation is very common, but again it depends on the class and your major. Bradley has high academic requirements for it's students. They expect a lot out of you and that makes you work harder and achieve more. The education at Bradley is definitely geared towards getting a job. They have a great career center and professors are always willing to talk to you about job opportunities in your desired field. Bradley really prides itself on the amount of graduating students who graduate with a job.
My favorite class by far was british writers. It was in the afternoon so I could get a nap in before class. The teacher was very entertaining and above all the sotries that we were required to read were of a variety that made reading them not so bad.
A lot of people don't know how to study coming into college, so to start off the year I don't think there is too much studying going on. But by the end of the semester on second semester I saw a change in people to start studying more. The library was quite the hotspot during that period of a crunch time.
Professors know you by name, generally due to the small class size. Participation ensures a solid grade. The education is more geared toward getting a job - I'm a senior and I don't feel I'm nearly prepared enough for a career in my major.
I love my Finance professors, lots of competitiveness to get good grades, geared towards getting a job
Teachers will push you most of the time and care about their students. For the most part they expect a lot from you and want to see you succeed. But yeah... but like anything else there are exceptions...
I really like the Communications department because all of the professors I've studied under have had a wealth of knowledge and experience with all of the software applications we've used.
Professors know your name and remember you, I have even had the same professor multiple times within my major allowing us to also develop a friendship. Most of the major classes get right to the point of your subject except for a few education classes. The gen eds are more pointless and taught in a lecture hall.
bio classes are hard... chemistry dep't needs better teachers.
some classes are mis-labeled... i took soc 300 "Ppl and Cultures of the NonWestern World" and all we talked about were musical styles of tiny underdeveloped villages in Africa.... not what the name leads you to think of...
it is competitive... class participation is decent...
some professors very helpful... Dr. Craig Cady is the best teacher at Bradley... a total genius, a great teacher, and someone who will sacrifice his time to help you understand anything... personally, i would consider him a friend.
Come to the school if you plan on being a Communications, Engineering (minus civil- that department is in serious need of a revamp), or an Accounting major. The rest of the majors are pretty awful. I went as a civil engineer, against the advice of many people I knew. I transferred to the Business school 2 months later, as a finance major. It too was a mistake. I know every finance professor and none of them seem to have any valuable real world experience, with the exception of professor Funkhouser. Take him for as many classes as possible. I have been very impressed with the school's accounting program (Finance majors have to take 3 courses in accounting, so I learned how that Major operates.) I would transfer to it, but the field is too detailed for myself. I have no passion for it. I am also too far committed to the finance major to transfer at this point. If you are planning on attending Bradley for Finance, I strongly encourage you to look at state schools. Northern has a program that I have heard is a slight bit better than Bradley's, and it is much less expensive.