Study and Study hard. No matter how easy people tell you your major is.
Classes are not like high school. The teacher will teach the concept and then you have to put in the extra hours outside of class to really understand what you are doing.
Helpful hint
If you are planning on taking micro/macro economics, or Calculus I/II/III or Differential Equations, take them at your local community college and transfer that credit in.
Classes are pretty small-- even lectures are barely 100 kids and professors do know your name even in those. They are pretty flexible and have a lot of office hours for your convenience and will set up any time you need extra to meet with them. Bradley also pays for two and a half hours of tudoring for anyone who wants it on campus every week so thats really nice. The library is kind of old and sucky but everyone studies there-- no one checks out books from there though. Not that anyone checks out books these days anyway. Classes can range from pretty tough to pretty easy it really depends on your major. Engineering is what bradley is known for and thats really really really tough. But education is one of the easiest majors on campus. The nursing school is pretty good too. DO NOT TAKE MATH AT BRADLEY! there are only a few english speaking teachers on campus and chances are you will not get them. it is impossible. I'm in the health science program with a minor in marketing and i love it. The science teachers are really good at Bradley. Classes are definately hard but the teaching staff is very good.
I am in the Foster business of college studying Business management and administration. I think the classes are fun and there are good teachers. There are also bad teachers at Bradley but hopefully you can stay astray from them while attending Bradley. I have noticed from a number of professors that they really care about how well you do and understand their class, they will help you out of class if you have a problem. Bradley also offers free tutoring for almost every subject. I have noticed that many of the classes are getting hard at Bradley but you can expect that of any university at the higher level of classes. I have noticed that their are some classes you can take as gen ed's to get your gpa high. Ete 115 and ART 131 are the two easiest classes I think Bradley offers.
The classes are small for the most part, excluding intro level classes. For intro classes, expect lectures or small classes taught by TAs (dont listen to the info guides they give you, you WILL have classes taught by grad students.) Not very competative. Most professors are awesome, I haven't had a single awful professor yet. Biggest major is engineering. I'm in the honors program, which I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a deeper college experience. It takes work, but its worth it, and you get the best professors (Dr. Fuller is the best!)
As a journalism major, I had some problems with my curriculum because it (and other majors in the department) is technically a communications major with a concentration in journalism (or related field). That meant I took a lot of classes that weren't necessarily specific to journalism, which at time felt like a wast of time.
Because class sizes were so small (especially classes in my major) most of my professors knew me by name, which was nice.
I did not "study" that much, but I did have to work on a lot of projects, papers and story assignments outside of class.
Class sizes are smallish (30 people), most professors actually care, and there's plenty of resources at your disposal. Don't expect to glide like so many expect to. I didn't work much in high school at all, just kinda coasted. I'm lucky that I was bracing myself for college, because the slap in the face was harsh, and I knew many people that weren't as fortunate. You wanna be here, you gotta earn it in certain degrees. Don't be discouraged though, that's a common thing for most colleges. Just prepare for it.
Most teachers are great to work with. Because I am an education major, I work more with those teachers than any other. I enjoy having them, and as long as you listen and read what you need to, you will get pretty good grades. Also, the teachers love when you talk to them outside of class. So, take the time to get to know them and you may find out why they structure their classes they way they do. This will put you at ease to ask more questions and participate in class and outside of class.
All of my professors actually knew my name. My favorite class I really did not hav eon eI enjoyed all of them for different reasons. The academic requirements are a little long but its preparing us for the real world in every class that we are required to take.
There's so much individual attention. There are less then twenty kids in some of my classes. The professor's overall are smart and helpful. I'm an education major and my professors are absolutely amazing. Classes are small and discussion oriented rather then lecture oriented.
Professors generally know my name. If it's a class where assignments are weekly or so, then they do. If not, I don't think they do unless I would have to meet them or talk to them about something.
I've noticed class participation is similar to high school - only a few participate, but they never shut the hell up when they do, and the whole class keeps looking at each other waiting for the loudmouth to finally quiet down.