Bradley University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bradley University know before they start?


I would say that you should decide if you want to stay home or go away to college before you even begin the search. When you figure that out then look at size, location (urban, suburban, or rural), the strength of the dept holding your major (i.e. job placement rate after graduation, interships, etc.) You should also consider the social/campus life, student activities, greek life and other points of personal interest to better map out which college would fit your overall need. The most important is financial aid, but sometimes it is better to pay a little more as a trade off for getting what you want out of a college.


Finding the right college is about knowing yourself, i highly recommend visiting your college casue being there it gives yourself a chance to see how you would be there. Just being on campus and sitting in on class can let yourself know if you feel confortable in the enviroment. Also pick a school that has a lot of interests that you have in common, including majors, sports and clubs. You may change your major and if the school has a lot of majors your interested in then you have a good chance of finding something you are interested in. And make sure you get involved once you get to the school you finally choose because that is how you will make friends and get involved in school. The more you do the less you will think about home and get homesick.