Bradley University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bradley University know before they start?


College is in some ways very like high school. You go to your classes, you do your homework, you have fun with your friends and your extracurricular activities. But in others ways, college could not be more different from what you are used to coming out of your senior year of high school. In college, no one wakes you up if you sleep in, no one meets with your teachers or checks your report card to make sure that you're not failing, no one buys all of your stuff for you, and no one makes you clean your room when it gets messy. You have so much more freedom, but it's not always a good thing. It takes so much more self-dicipline and focus to succeed in college than it does in high school. So go to your classes, do your work, and then have some fun on the weekends, because college isn't as easy as high school, but if you do it right, it will be a lot more rewarding.


Have fun, be safe, and be yourself!


I feel that choosing the right college could be one of the most important choices in a students life. It is like finding the perfect pair of shoes; if they fit right, you will have such a good time but if they are too big or too small or too flashy you will be too self-concious and uncomfortable to enjoy yourself. Students and parents need to remember that college will shape a persons lives and develop them into a functioning part of society. Go with your gut and visit/research all your choices.


students learn to live. get out and meet new people but stay focused on work though. however its not all about studing you have to have a life as well. Parents get ready your child is growing up and dont get concerned when they dont call home everyday it only means they are having fun and enjoying their new home. give them space and let them breath they will always come back to you dont worry


I didn't get into to my first choice school, and I'm glad I didn't. Finding a college should not be about the appearance or the reputation of the school. Finding a college should be about finding an atmosphere that each individual loves and wants to join. My freshmen year at Bradley University changed my life. I found professors that listen to me, friends that understand me, and a speech team that forces me to keep growing. I only hope that every student can find what I found--a place that makes me feel comfortable and makes me want to flourish. Once you have a school in mind, visit the school. Talk to people at that school who share your interests. Go with your gut instinct. Most importantly, once you choose a school, devote yourself to making it an even better place. Don't worry about the money; it can be repaid. Worry instead about everything you can possibly learn in four years and find the school that can help you on that journey. No matter where you go, ultimately the value of your college experience is up to you.


You just need to look at what you can afford and where your son or daughter feels most comfortable and if you have to spend a little more to make them happy you should do it/


As clich? as the saying is, college is all about finding who you are. After having completed my first year of college, I know this to be true. I also know that the process of finding, applying to, and deciding to attend a certain college is a difficult one. The most important piece of advice I have is that the student must make these decisions. Parents are there to help their student explore their options and open up their student's mind to new ideas, new types of schools that perhaps the student has not considered yet. However, the student alone must decide where he or she wants to go. I visited six campuses, applied to five schools, and was accepted to all of them. I decided to go to my school based on a feeling. I felt right there on that campus. Only the student knows how they feel at a particular school. My advice is to follow that feeling. Once at your school, be open, be friendly, work hard, and be yourself. Make the most of this new and wonderful time of your life!


Do not procrastinate looking at colleges, it is such a big decision that it should not be left until the Fall semester of senior year, trust me I kow. Start looking early or at least making decisions based on what size campus you are looking for and how far you want to be from home. So many people kept telling me when I found the "right" college I "would just know". It does not work out that way, at least it did not for me. In fact it took me my entire freshman year to realize I chose the right school. Pick a school that matches in the size, major, and most of all atmosphere you are looking for, but do not expect it to be an easy adjustment. Once you get to move in day and the first week of school everyone's experience is different so I cannot give you direct advice except to do the best you can, meet as may people as possible, and really get to know the people on your dorm floor. Freshman year is difficult because it is new exeriences, but enjoy these experiences they make freshman year challenging, unique, and fun.


When trying to pick the perfect college..there are many factors to consider. Do you like a small campus setting with more one on one interaction or do you like a large setting where you won't be noticed? Would you prefer living at home or on campus? Out of state or in state? Make sure your dream college has your major..thats number one. Overall just make the best of your college experience..mingle with new people and participate in a few extra-curricular activities. But the biggest hurdle in college is learning how to balance your social life along with your studies. Just create time management skills and you'll be just fine in college. Hey look at me? I made it through my freshman year. I'll admit it was kind of tough in the beginning but I quickly adjusted well and managed to make the Deans List.


When you begin your college search, it is key that you do your research on the college. For example, find out the location, its ranking, and what other people say about the school. Also make sure that you actually take time out to visit the college. Make sure you like it enough to the point where you can see yourself being there for the next 4 years. You will learn that food is everything so, ask about the quality of the food. Because, eventually you will get sick of eating Ramen Noddles! Also make sure that you will recieve the same financial package for the following year. Here's a hint, college is what you make it. So, get involved!! That way you make friends, create a social life, and will have something to do on your free time. Joining study groups is also a great way of meeting people from your classes. They are a plus because you are able to study with others. But don't let your social life effect your grades. You will have to learn how to balance you social life with your studies. That is a great skill to master.