I understood the principles of time management and had known of the great ways to focus as I do now to get the work I need to do done and have more time during the busy weeks to relax and hang out with folks. It would've made the first semester a bit more enjoyable had I known all of that.
I wish I would have know to not be scared to move in and live on my own. College may seem frightening at first, but once you get the hang of it there are no worries in the world, well other than studying hard and getting good grades. I also wish I woud have know all the opportunities that I was going to get with starting college. One of these opportunities is making some new life long friends, starting a future in my career, and learning to be on my own. My best advice is to stay positive.
I wish I would have know that teachers at Bradley want to know what you learned out of their class and how do you plan on using that knowledge in the future instead of you acing every test and not memorizing everything. I wish I would have known about the limited scholarships here. Also how to join a club or even a sport and just get involved it makes the whole college experience much more exciting. I wish I would have known how to save my mealplan before I came to this school.
I can honestly say that I didn't need to know anything before attending Bradley. I visited the school before enrolling & I even spoke with student that were attending the school. I liked what I saw and what I heard so I also chose to attend the university. Bradley is a really good school and as long as I work hard and stay on top of my work and classes, I won't have any problems.
I am use to metropolitan areas, and as such, I was shocked when I went to Bradley. Everything is rather spread out like a suburb, so sometimes it feels more like a commuter school. Since I live several states away, I don't have the option to leave every weekend, so sometimes it gets difficult. I was not expecting it to be as open, and seperated from the city as it is, so that was the biggest surprise I faced when going to college.
What I wish I had known isn't a reflection on my university, but my own interests and future goals. I wish I had realized my wish to pursue a French minor from the very beginning. However, I guess that's one of the great things about being "forced" to take a variety of classes - you have the opportunity to grow and discover yourself.
You cannot really get prepared until you experience it yourself firsthand. You hear all kinds of advice but you can use it to help adapt to certain situations.
Probably exactly how the tutoring system worked. I definitely could have used it my freshman year when I started with chemistry. Although we had heard about tutoring, it wasn't until I became a tutor myself that I really learned how they worked. The tutoring system has come to my aid more than one time when I was not struggling with a class necessarily, but trying to raise a grade from a B to an A.
I wish that I had known that this school didn't offer research opportunities. I really want to do research but without any research experience that may be difficult.
What I wish I would have known before coming to Bradley University is that I wish I knew how to set up my schedule better for the first semester. I also I wish I would have known how to get around campus more and known the area of Peoria a little bit better. I also wish I would have known what professors were good professors and what professors were not that great.