Bradley University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


i wish that i had known i would have to work harder than i did in high school. I also wish that i had known how important it is to get involved on campus.


I knew everything that I needed to know about the school.


As a high school senior I wish I would have applied for more scholarships. I never realized the costs of an education. It was very important to me to continue my studies and so going to college was not a question. Bradley is a private university and an expensive one at that! Although money had no factor in my decision to attend Bradley, I am now struggling with payments that keep me in school. Although I wish I had done more research about financial aid, I am aiming for the future in hopes of graduating with a much lighter burden.


i wish i had known how hard it was going to be to pay for everything without having to stree about it.


I don't think theres much you would need to know before you came here. Oh besides look for jobs early, they go fast. Its nice to have one on campus for a little extra spending money on the weekends and to help out the parents with the bills.


I didn't realize that the school offered certain scholarships, until my daughter applied for the school and some of the scholarships. I guess my high school's counceling office was not as aware of the scholarships available as my daughter's high school guidance councelor was aware.


Honestly nothing, because I knew all I needed to know about Bradley before I enrolled.


That the inital financial package would be substantually reduced after my first year. Which put my mother and I in a financial bind for my sophomore year and casued us to move back in with my grandmother.


Watch your money. This school is not cheap. If you can get a job off campus you will be very happy. Book are very very expensive, if you can order them online or find them somewhere else cheaper, you will save lots of money. I would also suggest taking general education classes somewhere else to save money.


I wish i had know the exact cost of this school before I came.