Brigham Young University-Hawaii Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Brigham Young University-Hawaii?


A person who wants to be in a healthy environment, who wants to get so much out of their education and will not be influenced to drink, smoke or do any activities that are not safe for their body and spirit.


A person who is willing to accept people from different cultural backgrounds and to be friendly and nice to them. An outgoing and friendly person so they can meet more people and learn more about other people from various countries around the world. A kind and humble person so that people may find them easy going and can blend with them more easier.


I think that anyone with a dream hould come. It is a great place to meet new people, and if you are looking for a fun way to learn new cultures, experiance new things, and have a blast come! Everyone who is an anyone can become someone because of everyone!


Someone who attends Brigham Young University-Hawaii should be: open to new experiences and cultures, prepared for academic rigor, prepared to be extremely happy, and willing to live the standards set by the university.


People who are looking to better their nature, in reference to their character and atmosphere in whom they become, will discover their true potential in blessing the lives of others here at Brigham Young University Hawaii. BYUH has a positive influence in their environment which helps those who attend stay consistantly uplifted and inspired to better one's own future. It provides great support and guidance educationally. Those who seek uplifting experiences and a positive change in their life should invest in attending at BYUH.


The type of people who should attend BYU-Hawaii are people that will work hard. Show up to class everyday, not get so eaisly distracted by the beach and all the cool hikes that there are to do. BYU-Hawaii is a very international school and you have to be open to many different races and ethenical groups. This school is like no else.


People who enjoy a racially diverse school should attend Brigham Young University - Hawaii. Students from more than 80 different nations attend Brigham Young University Hawaii.


The typical college student here would be a young man or woman, in their late teens, or twenties, who practices Mormonism and probably speaks a second language. They will be uplifting and happy, with a great attitude towards school and life in general. They will be patient, happy to help, and very diligent, usually in great physical shape, and has not smoked or drank before. They will be well-groomed and conservative, with great love for everyone.


A person that likes to meet new people, as there are people from all over the world at the university. Also a person that is hardworking and likes to work with other people and is social will definitely fit perfect at BYU Hawaii


The type of person that would enjoy attending Brigham Young University-Hawaii would firstly be someone of faith. Faith in God is something that plays a big role in the education of the students at BYU-H, it helps all students realize that all knowledge gained helps them understand God and the purpose of our lives better. I also believe that any person who is hardworking and desires a good education in a beautiful place that has high moral standards should attend this school.


To be truly successful at Brigham Young University Hawaii, it takes a set of special characteristics. With the beach less than a mile away, it takes a lot of discipline; homework is far less inticing than the waves, yet more important. Equally as necesarry is patience. There are so many different languages being spoken, so true communication takes time and honest effort from both sides. Finally, to attend BYUH you must be cheerful! Hawaii is well known for it's spirit of Aloha, or love, and it's a spirit that every student should try their best to emulate!


A very dedicate person who wants to study; this school offers classes almost all the time, the student can finish its bachelors degree in less than three years.


Any kind of person who wants to be the best they can be should attend this school. BYU Hawaii is a culturally diverse campus which allows for interaction with people from all over the world. We uphols a high standard and cherish values and morals which are reflected in the studentrs that attend.


Any kind of person should attend this school. Students at this school give such a warm welcome, and there's tons of fun activities to do around the island with former or new friends all the time.


Brigham Young University - Hawaii place where virtually every ethnicity and race is represented. Anyone williing to absorb other cultures of the world should consider BYU-Hawaii. The campus is small with about 2500 students; this is advantageous as students do have direct and unlimited access to professors. Any student who wish to work directly and inimately with his or her professors should have BYU-Hawaii at the top of his/her list (especially science majors). People who are not very comfortable in crowded environments will enjoy BYU-Hawaii as well.


Someone who loves diversity and is willing to learn about new cultures and apply it to their learning so that they can be more effective in their future careers. Also, people who attend this school should be friendly, outgoing, and active recreationally.


The best part about this school is that everyone fits in, no matter race, background, or religion. The love shown by the members of the LDS faith is miraculous and the different cultures that are displayed here make everyone feel comfortable in your own skin. If you are white, black, brown, yellow, Jewish, or Catholic, you belong at this amazing university. Any kind of person should attend here because everyone is welcomed warmly and invited into the community with open arms.


People who are committed to live a rightoues successfull life (good people).


Although diversity has been at times, a social weakness to this school, its strength lies in the fact that really anyone can attend Brigham Young University- Hawaii (BYUH) with the comfort that they won't be the "minority". With students from Japan, Korea, China, and even Russia, England, and the Polynesian Islands, it is hard to say what kind of person can't or hasn't. Not only does the diversity of the student body remove the threat of being singled out, but BYUH has a lot to offer academically as well. In short, really anyone can attend!


I think a person who has a clear dream and desire should attend this school. There are all different kinds of people with different purposes to attend the school. I respect all of them, but especially who has strong and clear dream that they want to make it come true. They put their effort and passion into school life. i think it would be really nice to give them an opportunity to attend this school who have desire to serve others and contribute to the communities they are in, in the furture.