Brigham Young University-Provo Top Questions

Describe the students at Brigham Young University-Provo.


The students at Brigham Young University are truly unique. You won't find a happier group of students anywhere. Walking on campus, everyone smiles at each others, students yell hello back and forth, or talk and laugh in large groups. But more than just being friends, the students here truly care about each other and go out of their way to help each other. Campus food drives and blood drives are always a success. People have said that the students at BYU have a glow about them, and I definitely know that is true!


My classmates were people, with all different personalities and backgrounds, and while there were many that I didn't get to know well, because the school was pretty big, I think overall they were decent, kind people who were doing the best they could in life, and we had that in common.


Extremely smart and overachieving.


My classmates are all very well educated students who care about their education and do not waste any time, which somewhat hinders their ability of being friendly.


Students at Brigham Young University are happy, successful, and dedicated to their education, and they are fun to be around!


My classmates are happy, friendly, full-of-life, and ready to learn.


My classmates are very polite and helpul if questions are asked.


They are fun but ridged.


Everyone seems brilliant here, but then you think about how they were trying just has hard, if not harder than you to get in; however, even for their brilliance, I have yet to meet a stereotypical genius because everyone I know is so crazy, fun-loving, and outgoing sometimes it's hard to remember how hardworking they are as well.


My classmates are all friendly, striving to get the best grade possible, willing to help and have all of the similar standards and morals that i havel