Broward College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Broward College know before they start?


You have to remember now we are going to be in a new enviroment and your going to be expose to other life styles so get ready for the transition...


If I could go back to high school and give myself advice as a senior I would take the chance in a heart beat. First I would tell myself to realize that college is a huge change in someones life and that you have to prepare yourself as much as you can before you move on. People grow up so fast when it comes to moving on to college, and you realize who your true friends are, and the people that mean the most to you since you don't see a lot of high school friens after graduation. I would tell myself to be prepared to study way more than I ever did in highschool and to really think about what it is that you want to do the rest of your life. College can mae you or break you, and a lot of people, it breaks. Only the strong and focused make it through college, without letting people get into their way. College is a bunch of obstacles you have to get through in life, and once your past that, there are many more obstacles waiting ahead.


If I could go back in time the only thing I would do different is apply for scholarships. I could have had a lot more money for school and even could have got a scholarship that would have paid for my Associate degree in full, but I was scared and I did not think that I would go to college. So I had to take out loans to pay for my Associate and I really regret that. I did everything else right I had the good grades as a senior I had On the Job Training (OJT), I went to school for two classes and left school to go to work the last two classes.


I will advise myself: ?You are about to enter to a wonderful college life. Do not waste any minute!?


Try very hard to earn good grades


My Dearest Beloved Sharon, Well you please listen to me with all of your heart and pay attention? I know that right now in life you are so excited and emotional about the future and your boyfriend, Kevin. Your future depends on you having a plan and sticking to it. You must start early planning your finances, housing, and budget. Don?t wait until the last minute, show up on campus and say??Now What??. It is your responsibility to plan for your future. Don?t be so afraid to ask for help and advice. That is what the staff is there for and they love to help with whatever you need. If you don?t plan and know what and why you are doing what you are? YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT IN THE LONG RUN! You will be get tried, frustrated, end up working two jobs plus going to school, due to poor planning and drop out. Get the Picture? Patience Grasshopper, Patience. I will love you forever no matter what, but let?s do this the easy way, please.


You must STUDYYYYYY make time for study dont work to much, have a straight head on your shoulders, know what you are in school. Your not in College to waste your money and or parents money or time. My mistake was that i didnt study enough and i didnt make time. You have to know that this is what I want. Maintain your grades and be all you can really be.


I would tell myself not to give up and to keep trying because I know that your dreams of becoming a doctor to help others will happen no matter what others may say. I also would tell myself to stay in school and focus on the things that you want out of life. I would tell myself that you are smart, determined, a pusher, a survivor, and a self starter. Believe in you when no one else will. Find other students who share the same interest as you. Love you for who you are. Ask the teacher for help when you don't understand an assignment or homework. Don't be afarid to raise your hand to ask a question. Yes, I would tell myself all of these things and more to help myself be more secure and comfortable with being me. If only I could turn back the hands of time, I would be more carfeful with my studies and it wouldn't matter what people thought about me as long as my dreams and goals were accomplished.


I wish I had told myself to follow my dreams and pursue a degree right after high school. It seemed so complicated at the time trying to determine what to study and truly intimidating trying to pay for college on my own. Entering the work force however enabled me to make connections but also I feel it prolonged my attending college. I would have also told myself to focus more on obtaining better grades and attending college right after high school instead of waiting a year. Overall I was just an average high school student. If I had only focused and applied myself more I could have allowed me to qualify for more funding to attend college and or the possibility of a full ride scholarship; instead of working; not that its a horrible thing, but if I had just attended a 4 year college right away I would have made more freinds, developed networks and had the whole college experience, instead of working full time and taking online courses. and finding it hard to find time for anything else.


I would tell myself to work hard and to get prepared for what college has to offer. You never know exactally what to expect untill it happens so just do what you can to be prepared.