Broward College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Broward College know before they start?


What I have gotten out of my college experience is that nothing is going to be handed to you, you have to persue what you want to do. It has been valuable to attend because it has opened my eyes and made me a better person.




My college experience has been full of ups and downs. There have been very low points as well as some very high times when it comes to my education. My freshman year in college I lost focus early on due to my parents getting a divorce. This had a drastic effect on my me and education. I did hoever learn to bounce back from it. While in school, I have learned to take responsibility for my actions and make better decisions as an adult. This experience has given me insight to how the real world works. John Dewey stated that "Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.." I learned that quote from my English teacher from last semester. As I thought about it, I saw that it really is true. I'm living life right now by going to class and learning something everyday.


better career and a better understanding of things


To begin with, my mother always pushed me to get a better education and told me how important it was to go to school. She has never attended college in which she regrets and does not want me to make the same mistake. I watch my mother struggle from day to day as we live from paycheck to paycheck. I see how not going to school has taken its toll on her. She is financially stressed but makes sacrifices so i will be able to attend college. So that being said, every little bit counts towards my education and would mean a lot. Classes start on August 23 and i will be majoring in nuclear medicine technology while attending Broward College in Miami,Fl. Its a valuable lesson that i will learn ,whether is being independent or being the best i can be, i know my mother will be proud. This will be of value to me.


College is an eye opener to the real world for me. From the moment I first set foot on campus I realized that I no longer had my mother and father holding my hand towards the decisions I'd make in my life. Nor did I have my old English teacher from High School who would give partial credit towards attempting to answer a question I knew nothing about because I refused to study the night before. College is a rude awakening for me because I'm no longer a young kid anymore. The very path from transitioning from a boy into a man lies in college because the choices we make in college will mold us into the very people we will become as adults. College has taught me about responsibility, and my academics have excelled far more then compared to my days in grade school because my education is my number one priority to me. If there's an exam, I'll make sure to reserve time to study and if there's a report, I'll make sure to start ahead of time. No more procastination because when it comes to shaping your future, why waste it?


Attending a Community College I learned alot of thing about life and school that only I saw from the students around me. First off, I learned how to manage money better when I first hand witness how college students just throw away their money. Due to the econmeny everyone is in a frenzy for money but when stepping on to campus these students do not attend class, which they will have to pay for again. Another thing I got out of attending a Community College is that it is not a joke anymore like high school was for me. In order to move on you must put the work out there and really try your hardest. And in order to get out of school you must pass the class. You meet different people with different directions, it was nice to see that I have a family to push me in the right direction.


Wow...i have gotten alot! it's wonderful, they offer alot of advantages and benefits, all the teachers are competent and well-educated, they have great knowledge, even though some of them are tough and mean, but they know what they doing and they teach pretty good...


I have learned a lot in the psychology courses i have taken, which i have directly related to my family life. My mother suffers from a few psychological disorders which completely control her life. For a while, i was very angry with her because i did not understand why she was like that. After learning facts and listening to many different cases, some of which were much worse, i was able to rekindle our relationship and look to help her. This struck a huge interest in the cause of these disorders, and the best way to control them. I am very inspired to learn so much more about how a person's mind works, and how it is altered by different disorders ( including addiction. ) I look forward to completing a degree that allows me to help people, just as knowledge has helped me in my personal relationships.


I have become a far more outgoing person. I've made lots of friends and have been exposed to new experiences. Also, I have become more confident in my academic efforts with the support and guidance from my professors. I actually find the college experience more enjoyable and less stressful than highschool.