PSY is impacted, PHL is getting shut down
I wish I had known about the Honors College - they receive better enrollment dates and smaller classes.
I wish I knew my true passion before coming to this school. I entered as an Aerospace Engineer, and now I'm a second year student entering Plant Science. If I had known that I liked Plant Science better, I would be caught up with my same year students in my major, but now I am a year behind and would start off as a freshman. That's not a bad thing, though, but just would have been nice to know.
I wish I had known what I specifically wanted to do for a career. I have a general idea, but I feel like at this point in my life, I have so many diverse interests that I can't hone in on one specific goal. It makes it a bit difficult to find and apply for things like jobs and internships. I can't really commit to the process yet because I don't know exactly what I want to do. While some of my other friends have had internships in their field for a while, I'm still looking.
Before I came to this school, I wish I would have known more about the neighboring resources like Pomona library location. I really didn't know much about Cal poly's location. This is something I schould have reserached a bit more before I attended the University. I had a hard time my first year tying to locate such resources that if i would have known before, could have saved me time.
Honesty, I wished I had known that classes would be so hard to come by due to state cut backs.
Before I came to Cal Poly, I wish i would have known more about how many students actually live and stay here on campus; i knew that it was a comuter school, but even the dorms are empty on the weekends because most students live close.
Now that I have gone through my first quarter in college I wish I would have known with more detail, that the free time that you think you have is not actually free time but a very important study time. Since senior year in high school it is very important that you commit yourself to studying on a regular basis, one way to help yourself whom I would have liked to have known before I entered college is to study one hour for every hour you are in class. Just remember that free time is actually study time.
When I first entered college, I wish I knew that it was OK to change paths and that the transformations in my interests and areas of study are a part of my growth and shaping my career path. I wish I didn't worry so much about where I was going -- the end goal -- because I missed some of the lessons along the way. College opens you to so many opportunities that should be soaked in and enjoyed.
I wish I would have known about the surroundings of this school. There are not many places to go within walking distance.