California State University-Dominguez Hills Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Dominguez Hills know before they start?


The number one advice would be to stay true to yourself. You are very unique and special person and trying to be like someone else will not benifit you. There will always be someone smarter than you, better looking, or more popular. When you stay true to yourself it will make it easier for you to stay on task and focus on your goal than worrying about somewone else's. I would also take time to relax and enjoy myself after all we only have one life to live and a GPA will not matter if you are stressed out, ill or even dead. It is important to study hard and get good grades, but that is not all you should focus on in life. There should be a balance of the two. Last, but not least is to always be prepared. Do not wait for the last minute to do a paper or an assignment. This only will stress you out more. When you are prepared, it will make it easier to get through your classes and graduate!!




Be prepared for a terrific experience in the life and times being on campus. Get into alot of activities and have fun. Do not be so serious that you miss the fun part of being a student in a University. I just wish I was younger.


Learn how to study and plan your time. Being a full time student is very demanding not to mention the other activties outside of school like work and volunteering. Stop procrastinating and listen to your professor because they're are honestly only trying to help you.


Community college is the best for me.


When someone is in high school there is always someone who tells you how college will be and the things you need to know to succeed. Now that i am in a 4 year University i have gain alot of knowledge on how things work in a university. If i could go back and talk to myself theres alot of advices that i will give myself that would help me get through college. Ill tell myself that things are much different from high school and that you always have to be on top of your school work because if you miss just one work it could make your score low. Also that visiting a counselour is the best thing to do because they help you out on choosing just the right classes and they care about your education. Lastly I would just tell myslef to never procrastinate and not leave everything to the day before it is actually due because its not a smart choice. You dont learn by reading at the last minute and that can affect your grades.


I would definitely say that I should have focused more on my academics then my athletics. I would have probably tried to stay focus throughout all of high school instead of taking an easy my senior year. Knowing how important college is now to my future I would say in generally I should have taken high school way more seriously and definitely should have not jsut get grades that would get me out of high school. No matter what anyone could accomplish going to college as long as you try and you really want to make something of your future.


when it comes to making the right choice about college, i narrowed it down by praying, thinking about how comfortable i would feel at the school based on size, and finally whoever offered the most scholarship money. Take time out to schedule campus tours so you can get a feel of what it will be like as a student there. while there, ask yourself, "could i really call this place home for the next 4-5 years?" after you have visited your campuses and have looked over who is offering you the best scholarship, just pray and leave it in God's hands! He will never lead you wrong. if your first choice doesn't work out, dont get discouraged! instead praise God because He saw something in the school that wasn't right for you. Finally, once you have made a decision, dont let anyone tell you. "you cant or shouldn't go there." people will try to tell you anything to persuade you to do what they think is right, but its YOUR future NOT theirs, remember that! Be Blessed& i'm praying for you!


The advice the parents will take from me would be, too get out there and show your child different colleges, campuses, universitys. So as they get ready to make their decision, they would already have there taste of what the college life has to offer.


I would tell parents to allow their children to visit schools starting their junior year in high school so that they can get a feel for where they'd like to be within the next year in starting their college education experience. To students, I would say pick the 3 areas that interest you most, then research and look at the schools in which offer the best program as well as learning enviornment for that subject. The only way to be completely successful is to be somewhere you chose to be, not got stuck going, and also to like the area around because you do want to get away at times and clear your head of the stress from school and whatever else is going on in your life.