If I could go back in time and speak to my high school self I would tell her do not slack off the 1st quarter. I took my first quarter in college very lightly partied a little too much, studied not enough, and didn't take my teachers seriously. I was lucky to pass all my classes with 3 A’s and 2 C’s, but those C’s could've been B’s maybe even A’s. I would tell myself that college is very different than high school. I need to study more and hang out less, but don't let it be all work and no play. I would tell myself after any big test, go out with friends and have fun because she deserved it. The last piece of advice I would tell my past self, is to watch out for these freshman boys. No matter how attractive they may be, focus more on school work then trying to get with them; it will only end in heartache. All in all, my past self, make good decisions because you were raised right and don't let anything or anyone get in the way of your dreams.
Remember, that being 18 doesn't mean you know everything. Being 18 is scary but it does past. I know mom and dad have so many expecatations for you but believe in yourself. You are smart and you are a capable of being a straight student. Don't sacrifice your grades for a social life. Make the right sacrifices that will pay off in the end. I know you may seem lost but that is ok. This is the age to find yourself but do it reasonably. Don't worry about the opinions of others, follow your dreams. Don't be afraid of changing your major. Dreams can and do change. This doesn't make the possiblity of them any less. You will achieve greatness. Remember to always stand up for what is right no matter if you are the only one who is standing. Make sure in both your studies and social life that you carry yourself with class and self-respect. You got this. Stay strong.
Hello high school self I am you from the future and I have some words of wisdom I really advice you to listen to. Although senior year is one of the best years of your adolescent life it is only the beginning of your future. I realize that it is very hard for you to think about college and a career while senior cut day, spirit week and spring break trips are being planned but you should really balance your social life with your academic life. Counselors were right, grades determine where you go to school and schools determine how far you will advance in your career. Study a little harder; arrive late to parties and make the grade. Remember all the volunteer work that you did, well that is also very helpful, school’s look for an individual that is well rounded and will contribute to the school’s overall experience by becoming an active part of the campus. However, above all do not give up. It might take you a few attempts to get where you want to be but working in the hospital surrounded by kids is your nitch and your passion. Good Luck
Kid, study your choices and your reasons for adhering to a college. But do not regret the school we chose; it is beautiful just like it's people. What I learned from my first year was to stay strong and feep going hard. Do not allow for simple words to disguise your complex mind and read more, you are a writer, genius.
Discpline. Be patient and be friendly. People are kind and well-intended, although a lot may not be. Get ready to start having friends and balancing life like an adlt. Get ready to grow up.
Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to consentrate as much on my mathematics as much as I do in history. That all the running and practicing is not just for the wrestlng mat, but is carried over to the classroom with even more intensty and focus. I am truly my own worse enemy, the only one that will pin me down in the end. I am uniquely gifted, and need to harness my gifits, utilizing them to the fullest, not being afraid in any way to use them. Never hold anything back, and fear to accomplish, or fail in order to make one's self a better person. Finally, the best advise I could give myself if I could go back in time is, "It is going to be a long, windy, and bumby road unless you always remember ... no matter what you do in life,do it for yourself, because you want to do, need to do, love do it... but first and for most, do it for yourself."
If I had an opportunity to go back in time, I would tell myself that college is an institution of higher learning; that I shouldn’t be ashamed of where I was going because in the end, it would be up to me to obtain that degree. My parents couldn’t afford any of the UC’s even though I got into San Diego and Santa Cruz, so I went with the next best option; the school that was willing to help me pay for my education. I would tell myself good job for picking the school I’m attending now, because if I would have been hard headed and went somewhere else, there wouldn’t be enough money for my little sister to attend college. The final thing I would tell myself would be to follow my dreams. Don’t let someone say I couldn’t do something, or that what I wanted to do won’t be worth any money. If you love doing something, the money would come with hard work and perseverance. To end things I would tell myself to stay hungry and stay ambitious, because that’s the reason why I’m successful today.
First I would have to tell myself to stick with it. By that I mean not to give up when classes seem difficult and the amount of work seems impossible to achieve. There were so many moments I wanted to take an easy way out and simply work to earn money. Many friends I knew did it so I could do it too. I figured I didn't need a degree to qualify for a good job. I couldn't have been more wrong. Life changes constantly, within and around your environment. My thinking process and perspective on what is essential in life has changed dramatically since my high school days. The decisions you make transitioning to college will affect you well into adulthood. Listen and stick to peers that are like minded in the goals you set for yourself and strive to be successful because determination and ambition will pay off. Setting realistic goals is a must since this will surely aide your educational long-term goal. Take advantage of all the resources provided and open to you while in college. There are many people who want you to succeed and are willing to tag along on your journey.
When you enter into college you should definitely get involved in whatever interest you. I can't stress enough that college isn't only about academics. College is also about building relationships, understanding what makes you happy, balancing work, recreation and free time, and you can not forget to have fun. In the classroom remember that no question is a dumb question and if you need better understanding or clarification do not hesitate to ask because believe it or not there's probably someone in class with the same question. Choose a major that interest you and do not choose something because it has financial stability at the end of the tunnel. You should also remember to put time into fitness and health because with everything going on it's extremely easy to neglect your body. Most importantly, do not give up in anything you pursue. I wish you the best of luck as you enter the college world.
I would like to keep up the good work and work hard.
Take school seriously. Your GPA matters. Participate in internships and choose a field of study that you are passionate about. Seek advice from counselors and other students in order to focus your studies. Most importantly, have fun during the process of learning and enjoy being a student without the responsibility of two kids, managing a household, and paying bills. Appreciate and express gratitude to your parents for funding your schooling and keep going as long as they will. There will be a day where you will have to fund your own school if you want to go back, pay for childcare, manage a household, and you won't have a partner. You will be doing it all by yourself. YOU can and will because you are resourceful and intelligent! Have fun with your life, your studies, and your career!