After graduating high school 10 years ago, it was difficult to make a decision to start college at 28 years old. Questions whether this old dog could learn new tricks or at least dust off the ones that had layed dormint for so long lingered. But after the first week of school, those worries vanished. My teachers were more than enthusiastic about helping the class understand everything. Face to face time with a teacher is a valuable tool that is helping me with my studies. Now that I am well into my first semester, I have new focus and understanding of the importance of higher education.
Being in college has changed me in a positive way, i am now more mature. Since i live on campus i am no able to relly on my parents for everything like i did in Highschool, i do what i have to do on my own, i make scheduals and appointments for myself to keep me bussy doing school work. This college experience is also helping me obtain my major by accting and thinking the way i do.
I have been in college for at least three years now, and I would have to say that they have been the best years of my life so far. I have amazing friends who would help me in tough situations, and excellent professors/teachers who are great at what they do. Most of all, I have been able to learn so much more than I've ever learned before in high school and elementary school. I've been able to make so many fun memories at college, and I wouldn't trade those for anything.
College has been valuable to attend because, with each new class and each new professor/teacher comes new knowledge. Not only is college vital for obtaining good and decent jobs, but education is vital part of learning. Knowledge is power.
My experience in college has shown me that I want to successful. That my life now is just only the beginning and that there is many things I want to experience. I've also learned that I want to be someone who is better, someone who judges on merit rather than past or looks. Looking beyond the outside and finding what matters. this experience is important because it helped me learn and exprience new things.
What i have recieved is that no matter what mistakes i've made or no matter what i've benn through, i can succeed at anything i do.
Well, I haven't started college yet. I will be entering this fall and I am absolutely excited! I can't wait to begin college life,live on campus, and experience the freedom away from my parents.
Being in college, I realized that I am the one who selects my future. As a child, my parents decided what was best for me. I often wondered what it would be like to be on my own, and once I finished high school I knew my time was coming. When I started attending college, I saw what it was like to be on my own making my own decisions. Everything my parents invested in me was tested, and an inner strength was manifested as I learned to take accountability for myself. I had to become skilled at taking care of myself, and know that what I was taught at home would benefit me out in the world. Now that I am going into my third year, college life has become easier. It has been a value to me because I believe that gaining knowledge is a daily thing, and it does not discontinue at high school. By attending college, I understand learning is a substantial part of life. Whether one is in school or not, something can be learned.
I have learned what my true passion is and I have achieved the drive i need to accomplish my goals. I learned that I can do great work under pressure and that I am smarter than i have previously given myself credit for.
I have gotten great experience from meeting different people from the Bay Area. There is much to learn being living living by oneself. Being a biology major helps alot with learning about the world as I experience one day at a time. New and exciting things come and I understand how or why it comes into being. The college life opened my mind so much to the surround world that I live in.
College is a great example of hard work paying off. At my school there were many opportunies to make the most of your time there, additional classes, certifications, office hours. I was surprized at how few students took advantage of these. I made a point to attend every class and attempt every certification offered. I would argue college, like anything in life, is what you make of it and what you get out of it is directly related to the effort and time you put in.
It was valuable to attend because the school prepared me to enter into my field (audio engineering) but in addition to the knowledge given to me in the classroom, the school also opened a door for me to intern at one of the best recording facilities in the world. Said facilities does not take interns unless affilidated with a school. Without college, that door never would have been opened for me and I would not be where I currently am, continuing my education in the classroom of reallife.