I would tell myself to be prepared to work hard and to practice good study habits and get used to having to read material. I would also tell myself that it would help to get invloved in activities within school and outside of school and make myself comfortable being around other people and communicating well with others. It would help to apply for financial aid and as many scholarships as I could. I would tell myself to be prepared for some sleepless nights and deadlines over my head. I would tell myself to get in the habit of doing things in a timely matter and making use of my time. It is good to plan ahead and have an idea of what I plan to do once I get in college and have a goal set. I would tell myself to get used to being busy.
I would tell myself to strive for better grades in high school to recieve scholarships. I feel that I lacked in preparation acedemically for college. If I applied myself fully to my full capacity, I feel that I coul of earned a scholarship. I need money for college. College is not free neither is it cheap. I would go back to really put an effort for better grades in high school.
I would tell myself to enjoy high school more, and not let the nuances of college application and financial aid bring me down, because everything will be okay! I stressed myself to breaking point trying to have a full AP schedule and the perfect grades, applications, essays, etc. and I wish I would have known then that everything was going to work out and that college life allows you to pursue your passions, to learn from your mistakes, and to discover yourself in a whole new way. I would say that I didn't need to have the next 15 years of my life planned out, as long as I am happy with the decisions I make and am going to school to do what I love and give myself a bright future.
Don't write anything off. The a cappella group you were told was beneath you turned out to be the best thing for you. Yes, the musicallity of the group could be improved, but you can help there and the people in it are going to become some of the best friends you have ever had. Also, do what you enjoy. If you don't have enough units to be in the band, talk to the professor and see if you can do it anyways. They are generally helpful and want people who are passionate about their subjects. One last thing, work hard and never give up. It took you two tries to audition into the major you want. Work hard and don't give up, simply because this is what you want. You have wanted to be a music educator for as long as you can remember and you will be good at it. Don't let your fears and insecurities get in the way of doing what you want. You have talent, now it is time to unlock it.
I would tell myself that the decision you make is yours and no one else can persuade you otherwise. If you feel compelled to go to one college over another then go for it. You only get one life and what you do with that one life is up to you. College will be fine, just try as hard as you can and you will be successful. Your life after college depends on what you do with it in college. These years will be some of the most rewarding of your life with the new knowledge that you will acquire and the numerous opportunities that will open up for you as you move along. You are worrying now about what your future holds, but don't. The rewards for the work that you will put in will enrich your life more than you may believe now. Just stick to your roots, keep your head up, and allow the train that is known as college carry you through the gateway to your future.
I'm kind of on the fence about my answer. Knowing what I know now, I would suggest not to wait to continue education simply because the work force is extremely competitive and with out a degree, the chances of being hired is far less than someone with a degree. However, I also feel that had I continued my education right after I received my diploma, I highly doubt I would of been as focussed on school as I am right now. I am very proud of the fact that I am maintaining a 4.0 GPA and I am committed to keeping it that way. I feel as though the choice not to go to school then, somehow made me the person I am today.....DETERMINED!
If I had the knowledge I do today and I travelled back in time nine years; what would I tell myself? This is a simple question with a simple answer. I would tell myself three words, "Do not worry." A grand piece of advice with numerous meanings behind it.
First of all, as a senior in high school, I was in a very dark place. I was on the verge of suicide and had no intention of going to college; so seeing myself as a 27 year old man would more than likely raise some startling questions about my survival. Also, I don't want to give too much information to my former self for fear that he may alter something to affect the timeline that I'm from. Finally, thinking back on my last nine years the only thing that really haunted me; not just through school, but through life, was that I was constantly worried. Being who I am now, I realize that I should have enjoyed much more than worried. Telling myself not to worry would give myself the peace of mind I needed back then.
"Do not worry." Three words that would have helped me greatly.
"Dude, college life is pretty great. I gotta say though that you should apply for as many scholarships as you can because you're going to want money and lots of it. Oh, and really take advantage of your last year here. You won't see your friends nearly as much, but don't worry you're gonna make a bunch of great new ones. Tie up any loose knots you got here too. It's alot harder to do that when you're away from it all. And finally, take your work more seriously! Yes, I know it's senior year and you don't want to do anything but trust me it pays off. Study, study, study! You're not paying for it now so why shouldn't you do your best to minimize your workload later right? Oh and date that one girl in AP Chemistry that you don't ever talk to. She is very cool and thinks you're very cute but is too shy to tell you. Good luck man. You're going places. Trust me, I know."
I would tell myself to take it slow and pace myself. I don't need to finish in three or less years. I can take four years to finsih m y degree and that is okay. I would tell myself to look for scholrships before entering college so that way I would not have to take out a 12,000 dollar loan. I will tell myself to take advantage of all resources that my counselor gave me in high school so I can excel in college.
Nathalie, don't forget to thank your mother for all the hard work she's done to help you with your finances, and apply for a job as soon as you can. Don't waste money, you will need it for when tuition increases. Learn to cook, the meal plan is too expensive for a small amount of food. Be assertive and demand respect from others.