California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Northridge know before they start?


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself to meet with my professors more often. The professors are there to help you and when you meet with them they are the most helpful people. They are not afraid to give you advice as wells as help with the course work. I would have also told myself to get more involved in school activites. Last but not least not to procrastinate school work.


If I were to go back to my senior year and know what I know now, about college I would make many changes. I would take advantage and try to apply for scholarships to help me pay for books and tuition. Also I would try my best to improve in Math and English. I would start to take more college classes at a community college and also take more AP classes. I would also try to join the soccer team so I could have had some experience and it would have been easy to try out for the University. If I knew that in college you had to read a lot of books for a class I would of start reading more during my senior year to get use to it. Also time and money management is very important for a college student.


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior would be to get involved as much as I possibly could. I would tell myself to make sure and apply to live in the lighthouse building, which is the Deaf and Deaf Studies dorm on campus, and to attend all Deaf Studies Association meetings. Also, I would want to make sure that I searched for volunteer work as soon as possible and establish a relationship with the people around me. I would assure myself to not give up when it starts to seem that I will never find a groups of friends that isn't controlled by alcohol and drug use. And most importantly, I would make sure that I always remember who I am and give myself the confidence to continue to be myself.


I would stare myself straight in the eyes and tell myself to take risks, get invovled, and lighten up. I spent the first two years of my college experience focussing on work and school alone. I felt no connection to my campus and had nowhere that made me feel like I belonged. I was merely going along with the flow of things. It wasn't until my Junior year that I realized how wonderful my campus was. It was then that I started to be actively involved with the Kinesiology Majors Club. I met so many great people and was able to participate in a wide variety of activities besides class. I wish my high school version of myself new the importance of this feeling of belonging. It makes school a much better and complete experience. In addition, it enables one to network with faculty, classmates and professors who will be beneficial for the future. Graduate school requires a reccommendation from a professor, but how can they write one if they don't know you? Get involved self! See what the world had to offer! Grades and work do not comprise everything you will need to succeed.


I would tell myself to shape up. I would have told myself to do all my homework and such. Because i didn't know how college would be, i stumbled across my first semester. It wasn't a good semester but I got through it. I would tell myself not to go out as much and stay home to study more often. Roomates can be trusted... if you meet the right ones. Dont ever procrastinate on your homework because it will eventually pile up and not give you any sleep.


Not knowing what your going into and yet feeling the impending approach of a great change can be a frightening thing. I'm sure i am not alone in saying this is how i felt during the second half of my senior year while making all the neccesary preparations for college. If i could travel back in time to then, i'd tell myself to relax. No, English isn't all about writing essays and reading a book every 2 weeks, that theres plenty of time, days even, between classes to rest and study. I'd say that what is truly concerning is the complexity of every aspect of college. Registering for open classes is not a simple process. I'd tell myself to pay much attention during the freshman workshop and dont be afraid to ASK, ASK, and ASK questions! I'd stress the importance of noting the many deadlines because once you miss them, your'e stuck in a pickle. But most importantly, i would emphasize applying for scholarships and loans. Months from now i will come to realize that the complexity and deadlines are insignificant complaints when you dont have the money to pay for school.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, the conversation would go something like this...."Hey, Seamus, it's a few words of advice about college life. First off, keep your eyes and ears open for on campus events. I know since you are not staying in the dorms it is not as easy to find out about these events, but just because you are commuting from off campus does not mean you cannot participate. Second, DON'T EVER MISS A CLASS. There are certain things said in class that will not be posted online that are vital to your grade. Third, ask for help. A lot of the professors and conselors want to see you succeed in some way. Also, take advantage of all the programs offered there for help...whether it is for learning disabilities or balancing your checkbook and planning for the future. Fourth, make friends on campus. They are in the same boat as you and don't want to sink. And finally, watch out for the campus squirrles. They seem sweet, but can turn on you if you run out of food. Enjoy the experience."


When you begin college , you should not look at this as a time to party and stay out late with friends. This is the beginning of life where you start the bigger part of your education. This is not high school anymore and its time you take school education a lot more serious. Dont take advantage of free time, because that is time wasted that could have ben used studying. Take full responsibility of all work and dont cheat your way through anything. There is nobody to tell you when assignments are due , so you have to make sure you on time with all school work. College professors will not accept late work, so make sure you manage yourself well. Enjoy college while you are there because its a good opportunity and you will be happy you completed when you recieve your degree.


I am proud of the decisions i made in high school. I was serious about learning and wanted to complete my education. My goal was delayed by personal family problems but as soon as i was able to go back to school, which was 14 years later, i did it without any hesitation. I do have few suggestions for high school seniors: - focus more on education and less on socializing with friends; it does not matter if you were the most popular kid in high school or the dorkiest; it will only matter what you do with the knowledge acquired in school. -take advantage of the tuition fee waiver for high school students and take college classes online to reduce the amount of units to be taken in college (high school students spend a great deal of time on the internet, why not get few units out of the way in the meantime) -be more involved in the local community and help someone in need .


It's 2006, my final year at Saugus High, and I'm suffering from the same affliction as many of peers. I am diagnosed with a case of "Senioritis". Do I ditch my classes? No. Do I blow off homework? Not exactly. What I do develop is the cancerous habit of procrasinating. I assumed then that this habit would be easy to break. Wrong. How did this happen? I'd always been the standard "A student", always giving my studies 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Then, in my junior year I was forced to overcome serveral personal trials. I recovered at the end of the year. My grades however, did not. A school councelor then told me that unless my GPA was above a 4.0, getting accepted into a University was impossible. What I had been working towards since childhood was destoyed because of one bad year, at least to my knowledge. I gave up, resigning to my fate and procrastinating on my studies. I wish I could go back and shake myself. Several friends of mine were acccepted into Universities, many with lower GPA's than myself. I would provide myself with that hope and encouragement that I desperately needed---and deserved.