College was a time when many experiences and responsibilities were learned. I learned that prioritizing and time management is very important. As a freshman undergraduate student, I felt I was invinsible being away from my parents and finally having control of my own life. I will embarassingly admit that my priortize weren't straight at the time. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from University of Northern Colorado, I found a job working with Dietitians in a hospital. I enjoyed meeting patients and it gave me a self-fulfillment in helping and caring for others. The desire of wanting to have more interaction and communication with patients made me decide to go back to school to become a nurse. Having to go back to school and have a second chance for a new career is very important to me. This time around, I have the motivation to get exceptional grades and am focused in acheiving my goal of becoming a nurse. This scholarship will greatly help me financially in reaching this goal and minimize the amount of student loans I already am paying from my undergraduate degree.
I've grown up in a middle class family, an only child, mommy and daddy always here for me, so I've been EXTREMELY sheltered. College hasn't turned me into a party animal or anything, but it's made me more independent. I went to college away from my hometown, away from my parents, away from my friends that I've known all my life and basically had to start over. It was hard at first, freshman depression and all, but after I was able to move past it, I realized I'm much happier being on my own and independent. I'm home now for Christmas break and it just feels so strange to me to be that little daughter again instead of the young adult I'm becoming. Bottom line: college gives young adults the confidence they need to grow and succeed in life. :)
Being I third-year at Cal State Northridge, I feel more prepared to enter the business workplace with each semester. When I was a freshman, I had no idea what I wanted to do and decided to major in Business Adminsitration, since it seemed to be the most practical and broad option. I quickly became more aware of my options when I joined a co-ed professional fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, that was exclusive to business majors and learned how to stregthen my professional skills and expand my social network. Being involved Delta Sigma Pi and going by my college's academic plan, I've finally decided to choose an emphasis in Business Law.
I am also employed on campus to work in my college's internship office, where I assist in helping my supervisor secure internships for students. My boss has also been an invaluable resource by helping me find internships, as well and providing advisement on my career plan. Right now, I'm preparing to take the LSAT and hopefully get into law school by next year. All in all, Cal State Northridge has given me confidence and a noteworthy experience to discover my opportunities.
From my experience with college, the experience gain with knowledge for my life. College helped me to learn balance my life between social, education, relationship, family and financial that will affect my future life after I finish with my college. I met some incredible people that I have learned so much from and have been good for my life. They taught me life lessons. For example, one of my professors once said to me, "You have 24 hour every day. Use that time wisely." It's valuable to attend college because we walk out of college with all the experience and knowledge that college provides. Our knowledge helps the community come together, helps our family and each other, and inspires others to go to college as well. I'm sure going to college will help future generations to have a better life, because of advances in technology, education, and social life that we learn
I gained a sense of approaching problems without knowing I have the right answer. I gained a sense of logic and test taking skills that I did not have before. I feel more prepared when faced with an unexpected problem, and confident in myself to know that I will conquer the task at hand. I gained motivation, and a strong learning experience that I feel will prepare me for the world. My strong work ethic has come from failure, my ambition and drive has come from wanting to be the best. College has helped me gain a drive and hunger to be great, and it showed me that hard work does pay off. Failure is a step higher than not trying and that what I told myself every semester to help motivate me. I am not the same man I was when I first arrived at college. I feel like a new person, one with a better head on his shoulders, and that can control the stress that often comes with school. College in a sense even brought me closer to God. I prayed more, and asked that I not get an "A" but to not be alone.
At first, I didn't take college so seriously. I thought college was going to be just like high school: quick and easy. Little did I know, that everything I did (studying habits, attendance) affected how and what I learned, as well as my GPA. I currently have a GPA of 3.2 and I know it would be higher if I took it more seriously when I began. I've come to realize that some teachers really do care if you succeed and don't only treat you as a number and I really appreciate meeting those teachers. I've learned a lot, from management skills to how the human anatomy works. I've grown both academically and emotionally being at a community college. Since I'm still young, furthering my studies has become the most important goal to me now, and having college experience has helped me put my priorities in order. I truly believe I have matured with the responsibility of being in control of my classes and direction in life. I will get my A.A.S. in Accounting in spring 2011 and I plan to transfer to a 4-year university by Fall 2011.
I've learned what it is like to be an adult. You have to make good responsible decisions. It is valuable to attend because it has an excellent Nursing program that I've been trying to get into.
As I am writing this I have only completed one semester of college however I can say that this semester has change my way of seeing certain things in life. I have learned that we have not been prepared enough to go out into the world and experience such a diverse society. So many cultures and traditions we are completely clueless about because we are usually all come from highschool in which we only see classmate and teachers that are just like us. We truly cannot vaule the beauty of life and the wonderful lesson it has to teach us. Once I stepped on campus my mind became a sponge I absorded everything, I have meet great people and I will keep meeting amazing people who will help me cherish these memories forever. I cannot imagine how I would have turned out if I never decided to attend college, I would probably never keep broken out of my shell and explore the lives of others. I can really say that this semester has been life changing.
I recieved an excelent education, and developed into the person that I am today.
The first year of college I lived in the CSUN dorms. I was assigned to live with three strangers, that I eventually came to know well. I was nervous and afraid they wouldn't like me, even before I met them. What CSUN didn't tell me was that my roommates were all Deaf and communicated with American Sign Language (ASL). The experience was valuable to me in that I was exposed to a completely different culture, a culture of which I was eventually accepted into but was still very much an outsider because I was hearing- the term used by the Deaf community for people that have no auditory impairments. I had never met a non-hearing person before this, let alone a group that communicated exclusively nonverbally. This experienced helped me to address preconceived notions I had about groups of people and guided me to seek higher education in social work. I thank CSUN for ommiting vital information about my housing, because had I known my roommates were Deaf I may felt it would be more appropriate for me to live with women who I could communicate with verbally. I may not have had this experience.