California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Northridge know before they start?


The only advice i would give myself is to have seriously pushed for a job to pay for an apartment, and to apply to other schools because while I love the one I'm at, there's always a better institution somewhere else.


I would tell my high school self to be more active in class with the teachers and the students. Getting help through people is much more effective in learning than through books or lectures.


Have fun, but dont get yourself too carried away from your goals and happiness


Work hard when u get to college, dont let anyone think you cant do the impossible!


To take advantage of all the financial aid/scholarship programs out there.


Don't let procrastination get to you. Whatever you do make sure to always stay on top of your work.


To concentrate on the professors I am picking moreso than the class I am taking. If the class I am taking has a bad professor than I will not learn anything and do bad in the class anyways. Join groups and sororities and organizations from the beginning. This helps to make new friends and also it helps with networking opportunities.


1. Drinking blue slurpees may result in blue tinted feces, diarea, delusions of grandeur and accomplishment, extreme hunger, paranoia, temporarily becoming a dirty stinkin' liberal, and talking to inatimate objects. Consult a doctor before drinking blue slurpees from 7-11. Pregnant women are not advised to drink blue slurpees. 2. Barking and barring your teeth at dogs do not actually intimidate them. 3. Kung-fu Cooking for the Disgruntled Urbanite is NOT a major or a club provided at CSUN. 4. If a woman asks for an apple and you give her an orange, she will act like it came from Jesus Christ himself and say it was 'thoughtful'. 5. Styrofoam and gasoline does not actually make effective napalm. It just emits toxic fumes. No, the fumes cannot be practically harvested to be weaponized. 6. Avoid people named Bubba. 7. Women are expensive. Buy beef jerky instead.


The best advice for a student looking for the right college is to talk to many different types of people who are currently attending the colleges that the student is interested in. Books, websties, and counslers can only give an opinion of how they believe the students on the campus are living like. On top of that, schools are everchanging entities and only present students can give you an accurate understanding of how the school is. The need is ask different types of people is based on the fact that every different type of student has a different view on life at that college. Students who want to get the best college experience, they should get involved in school organizations early. I am currently the Director of Finance for CSUN's student government, a Resident Advisor, one of CSUN's Small Business Consultants, and a member of the Business Honors Program. I am taking advantage of all the opportunities available to me and from personal experience I can assure a new student that there is no better way to upon the college experience than to get involved; A student will contact to every aspect of a school through being involved.


Visit as many schools as you can. Don't base your choice so much in the whole "CanI see myself here?" idea remember to balance that with the actual academics aspect of it.