California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Northridge know before they start?


To parents and students looking for the right college i say always go with your feelings. If you feel right the moment you step into a college campus then that might just be the right one for you. I remember when i came to CSUN i felt right at home!. Also, see what clubs they offer, some colleges have honor societies based on majors which can later help when trying to look for a job. If your living away from home consider joining a club that offers your hobby and share it with other people or maybe join a Sorority of Fraternity. That is the best way to meet and interact with others on campus. Go to orientations! More often than not, there will be professors present at these orientations eager to meet you, the new student, and they will want to make your college experience something amazing for you! Explore and try new things! The bottom line is wherever you decide to go, try to make the best of it because college only happens once in your life.


Make sure you go into college with the mind set that you are going to succeed. Make sure that you believe you will suceed and therefore take the appropriate steps to do so. Also keep your priorities right. Balance your time, ensure that everyday you have time for studying and getting all of your assignments done. College is a great place for net working, meeting new people, and making friends, but its main purpose is to get you started in a career so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest. With that said, make sure you are doing the things that need to be done for your classes and ultimately your degree.


do the research and make a couple visits to the campus and dorm get a feel for the school.


Visit every school you apply too, don't just take the guided tour, but try and sit in on a class in your major. If you get to college, and still hate the school your at by the end of freshman year, do not be afraid to transfer.


I would tell students that even though they say college is the best time of your life, and it's true, to still be responsible and remember why they are at college in the first place- to get an education. But despite that education is your number one priority, the way to get the most out of college is to be involved on campus and make a new life for yourself-one that was different from high school. You just need to figure out how to manage your time and balance out activities so that way you can be able to multi-task and get good grades while having fun. I would tell students to utilize all resouces on campus. I would tell parents to not worry and to let their child grow and find themself because this is the time to do it, however, they should still try to stay involved and be there for their child no matter what.


Every school has its strong suits, but you get out of it what you put into it. If you don't put anything in, you wont enjoy your time in college


Go take a campus tour first, and make sure you go see a college counselor for classes and advising. Do not think you can handle your freshman year on your own, it is important to utilize campus resources.


Go with your gut instinct. If you visit a school, and something "feels" wrong about it, then it really isn't the choice for you.


For the students, it would be to keep a balance between their school and thier social life, and to pick a school not just based on the name of that school, but also on the fact that they want to go there because of it's programs. As for the parents, all I can say is to let their children make their own choices now and to not be too involed into their lives because they are not the ones attending the college, their children are. Therefore their children should have the last saying.

