California State University-Northridge Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Northridge know before they start?


Visiting colleges might not be the first choice for a student but it will definately help. Just getting to know what college will be like can greatly improve how a student can choose where they want to go. This bring's up another point: this is a student's choice. Parents are there to guide and assist their children in the college application and selection process, not to choose the school for them. However, it is near impossible for someone to know which college will be the right choice only by visiting. It is impossible to know until you spend at least a month attending. The whole process of college, which does not end once you have arrived for your first class, is a learning experience within itself. Maybe a student wont finish his or her college career at the same college they first attend, but that's okay. Maybe a student wont earn a degree in four years, but that's okay. College can be a tough place to be sometimes, but take advantage of it all, both the education and the downtime.


Do your research and choose wisely. :)




Enjoy the college experience and take the time to get to known an individual that shares different views that you. Whether that is socially, culturally, or religiously, you will learn something new and see the word from a different view point, a view point that may be able to benefit you through out your college experience and life in general. Do not disregard another individuals views becuase they are different than your own. Embrace and except different viewpoints, by doing so, you will be able to become a better rounded more empathetic individual. Loving and seeing individuals for who they really are is a quality that must be practiced to ensure the peace and harmony of the human race as a whole.


I would tell parents: if your child is planning to go to college, let them make the choice and understand why they decided that school. In my own experience, being from a Latino family, it was expected to stay close to home but that was not going to let me grow as a person. To grow sometimes means to leave the nest. Also, be open about your child's majors. Just because business makes the most money doesn't mean we all want to be business majors. There are opprotunities for people to achieve what they want in life within a major they want: if its dance, philosophy, chicano/a studies, or even history. It s the childs future and parents should realize how important it is for them to do what the child LOVES, not what will give them the most money.


For parents it is challenging to go through the steps with their children and try to match-up what they feel is fit for their child, especially if the college is far away there is always that fear. Even with the fear that should never be an issue, parents should take the time to ask their child questions and help them even though they are out of high school parental guidance is still nedded, and it is always best to have someone in support of decisions made. Money should not be a barrier, but unfortunately it is difficult as I have experienced my self. What I do strongly believe is that the student makes the best of their experience and they should set the goals they want and what they are passionate about. When it comes down to it college is important, even if an individuals mind set is to get a decent carreer that is part of it, but an individuals education is something that can be valued so much more. The ability to say that you worked hard and achieved what you wanted out of life is what a college education can give.


Study hard. Remember that while college is a great opportunity to socialize, your main focus is to learn. Utilize your teacher's office hours. Make sure your teachers know who you are even when you are in large survey courses. Study something you really like and are passionate about, do not just study something because you think a career in that field will yield a high income. The purpose of life is to life a life of purpose


One thing that I wish I had done was to look for colleges in places that I never thought to look before. I grew up in the Northeast, and I only looked at colleges close to me, never thinking to look anywhere else in the country. After two years in a school close to home that I didn't enjoy, I decided to transfer to a west coast school. It has been one of the best experiences of my life. Taking the risk to move to a new place and meet all kinds new of people really helps to broadensyour horizons and allows you to learn and take advantage of experiences that otherwise would not be available to you. Whenever you have the chance to move to a new place and to meet new people, you can only really benefit from the things you will learn. So go ahead and think outside of the box, you just may just find that moving 3,000 miles away from home isn't really that bad.


My biggest advice to students is this: get involved. Get involved in as many campus activities as you can. These are the things that build the golden memories you will have of your college days. Parties are fun, but you wont remember them. You will, however, remember being involved in clubs, teams and other groups. You will remember going to rallies and talks. You will build lifelong friendships. Campus activities will help you learn who you are. My second biggest advice is to take an internship while in college. Like campus activities they are only available in the brief window while you are in school. Take advantage of them.


First, make sure you're ready for college--if you don't have the desire then you probably won't do well. The key is to find something that you're really interested in AND you will do well at. I find many students think a career sounds interesting and are quickly discouraged when they realize that other students are doing much better in the classroom. If you're fortunate enough to find a major that fits then go for it with everything you've got! Don't limit yourself to the college down the street, find the best school in the country and apply there first. There's many ways to help with the expense of college so don't let that hold you back either. Keep a possitive attitude and something will work out. Once you've started you have to make school your #1 priority. This doesn't mean your social life is over, but if school doesn't come first than your just wasting everyones time. Don't worry, it will fly by and before you know it you'll be a college graduate, everyone will be proud and you be one your way to happiness!