Looking back, I quickly think of several pieces of advice of which I'd supply myself. I think that primarly it is important to remember that this is a a timely, expensive process so a commitment needs to be made. I also would want to express the importance of college and suggest myself to attend several institutions. I'd also strongly encourage myself as a high school senior to work as hard as I could in high school, save as much money, develop helpful financial skills, and apply to as many scholarships as possible. Hard work goes a long way. So, as a final piece of advice I'd tell myself the same thing my father used to tell me all the time, "Don't be Stupid. Don't be lazy. And, don't ever give up." With that, I'd wish me the best of luck!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to choose Carlow University. I would tell myself to consider the realities that I see at the school. To consider that Carlow is a great school, but that because of the lack of diversity that I have come to crave, I would be forced to learn a lot about myself. That I would learn how to be tolerant of others and that I would grow as a person. That I would have the opportunity to see that there are people who just do not "get it." Who let insults and racist comments fly freely from their mouths. I would tell myself that I need to be surrounded by people like this now, as an undergraduate student because honestly, there ARE people in the world who think that way. I would tell myself that I needed practice dealing with this issue if I want to be succussful in the world. I would tell myself that this school would help me to become a well adjusted person because of my daily interactions with another race of women, with different ideas.
There's an old adage that states: "What you save, you have, and what you don't save, you don't have." As time passes, more and more women and men of all ages are attending college to prepare themselves for the competitive workforce. Yet, as time passes, colleges and universities, especially private schools, are becoming increasingly expensive. As one who has changed my major multiple times and have finally found my niche after years of transitioning, I would've spent the initial years after high school working in the real world, job shadowing, and doing extensive research on career options rather than spending money "trying out" different majors. In retrospect, I should have spent more time investigating various career paths prior to jumping into the expensive and time-consuming college arena. Once I had some experience in the real world, THEN I should have attempted to pursue a particular major or two when my search was narrowed. I do not scoff at the idea of "taking a few years off" of school after high school graduation. I believe it to be the preferable route to declaring "undecided" as a major. This scholarship would be a tremendous blessing for me.
If I had the ability to go back in time and talk to myself during my senior year, I would tell myself: Be prepared for change. From experiencing college, I have come to realize that my lifestyle, my social life, and my school life have all changed dramatically. Since starting college I have gone through two roommates, gained new friends, lost friends, gotten a job, moved off campus, got engaged, and am currently registering to go to an entirely different college than what I started in because my first college discontinued my Spanish major. If I would have known then what I know now, I probably would have ran for the hills. These changes definitely threw me for a loop, but somehow I survived them. By surviving these events, I have become stronger as a person. Instead of being selfish and going back in time to try and change the future so I could have the perfect college experience, I would just tell myself to be prepared for everything that is about to come. Although getting past those obstacles was difficult, I wouldn’t change it at all because they have made me into the girl I am today.
Being only a freshman in college at Carlow University I have already learned and experienced a great amount of things that are valuable. First and foremost, I have learned that bigger does not always mean better when it comes to an institution for higher education. I am currently receiving a very valuable education from a smaller institution and I am really learning what I need to for my major which is business and management. My college experience so far has been greatly appreciated. Having to pay for my education makes me all the more grateful to receive one. It is valuable to attend college because there are not many great jobs, if any, that you can have without one. It is also valuable because at this day in age more people in my generation need to be focused not just on how much money they can make, but how much they will be able to contribute to society in the future. The future will not be worth a lot when it comes to the value of the western civilization as a whole, which will be ironic if we keep up our "money hungry" attitudes.
I have learned so many things while at Carlow University. It has enhanced my knowdledge, personal and communication skills along with learning for my future career. It has been valuable to attend because I love my university. It is outstanding and I feel as though I am receiving preparation for my future. I have great professors and have had great clinical experiences to invest in my learning and knowledge towards my future endevours.
Growin up I was never a learner and never one interested in school. I always said that I would not attend college. My dreams were very small. Little did I know how large my hunger was to learn. Every new piece of information is a trinkit. At the end of highschool I was faced with no other option rather, than to apply to a college. I choice Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester, Ma. I soon discovered that I wanted to change the lives of thousands with all the knowledge I accquired. It is a joy and a true pleasure to be able to improve your knowledge. I am delighted as a Human Services major and I desire more. I am applying for many scholarships because the state schools do not offer large Soial Science programs. I am in a desperate financial position and I desire to learn. My collge experience has expanded my mind and showed me that there is more to life than just living.
I've only been in school for a month, but so far I have been exposed to so many positive people (students, teachers, mentors, co-workers etc.) that really care and try to help the students out in anyway they know how. If i ever need extra help in a class or even something as simple as getting my paper revised, all of our advisors and faculty makes themselves available when we need them. Little things like that really lift a heavy weight off of my back because college can be stressful sometimes, but I know with help, hard work, and dedication, I will be successful.
Without a college education in our society today, it's almost impossible to qualify for an actual career. I want to be able to provide for myself and future family one day Without the proper training for my field, I would fail and a full college experience is what will teach me all I need to know--it will prepare me for the "real world" and ultimately my future. Thanks to Carlow University, I will be able to what I want to do with my life and so much more!
I've notice my college experience has been educational. As much I want this to be over an see myself walk in a big business with my degree in hand and ready to work a 100,000 plus salary. I want this college ride to be valuable to my destiny. See, when I first came here to Clark Atlanta University, I expected higher level education, but have gotten universal level of education. Even as you walk the halls of CAU, you can feel being apart of a family of sholars and winners. Winning is more valuable here then anything especially good grades or just feeling like a winner cause you have an opportunity of getting a chance to do something great in your lifetime . You'll never imagine going downward here at CAU, only a vision of persistency, determinaton, friendship, love, and panther pride. Its hard not loving your fellow peers here cause we all are on the winning team of dreaming. Watch not time go by, but watch as your life rise to the universal level of grade A quality education that'll soar you to uncharted areas you never expected. CAU, panther pride is definitely a valuble experience.
There are three things that I got out of my college experience. The first one is that you and you alone are responsible for your acedemic acheivement. The professors and other students are there at your disposal for your usage to gain more knowledge. Secondly, do not just take a class because other students said it was easy. What is easy for them might not be easy for you. Lastly, you have to remember that everyone in college is in the same boat as you are., this is a new experience for all. My four years at college made lasting impressions on me that I will have a hard time forgetting as well as friends that will last a lifetime. I understand who I am as a person and with the help I received, I am able to expand my knowledge and gain insight for my future endeavors.