Carlow University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carlow University know before they start?


From my college experience, I have gained maturity, knowledge, and a sense of good time management. These skills are important to learn in life and by gaining them early in my life, I believe that I will have a better quality of life. I have gained maturity through my college experience because I was also attending my junior and senior year of high school as I was completing my two year A.S. degree. I had to mature enough to know what is of highest priority such as studying comes before hanging out with friends. I have gained further knowledge through the diverse classes that I have taken. Lastly, I have gained a good sense of time management due to having to balance high school and college classes and when to study for which class. As well as giving myself enough time to get between classes in a timely and orderly fashion.


My experience at college has opened my eyes to many things. I have become more independent and responsible since living in the residence halls. No one wakes me up, tells me when to study, or orders me to clean my room, so I am responsible for everything I do. With all of the classes and other aspects constantly occuring in my life, I have also become more responsible for managing my time. College has been incredibly valuable to me because I finally feel that I am actively learning. I have a constant hunger for knowledge, which inspires me to attend and participate in every class. The people I met have provided me with a better perspective of how people are in the real world, compared to my peers in a high school setting.


College has changed my point of view of how the world works. Starting college was a huge change for me, but I have come to love the environment that is Carlow University. The fear of college and not passing was great when I first started. When i met my professors' they made me feel like I was at home. There was times when I needed help in some of my classes, and they instantly were there to give me guidance. College helped me become someone entirely new. I can start up conversations with people in a more sophisticated manner that can keep them interested in what I have to say. I feel as though there is more opportunities opening up for me as I continue on my path to enlightenment. To obtain my education is my goal to keep going with college. The environment has helped me to accept difficulties as they come instead of worrying about them before hand. When I finish college I plan to get a job in Graphic Design at an advertising agency. Everything I learn in college will enable me to become closer to obtaining my dreams for the future. Education is amazing to achieve!


If given the chance to go back knowing what I know now, I would look at my freshman year as my discovery year, go in undecided and give myself 1 full year of Core classes and a class or 2 directed towards majors which I am interested. Instead, of the constant changing of majors because it is easy to lose interest. I would tell myself to slow down and enjoy my senior year, not take on more than I can before leaving for school. It would be important to stress to myself live in the moment not in the future, because the future isn't promised. Work hard today because there should be no regrets of what I didn't do today. Live for the moment, no regrets!


In my first college experience, right after high school, I struggled to find a place where I felt truly comfortable. I was immature, and as a result, ended up wasting much of my college time on things like drinking and partying when I should have been studying. While I am able to say that I made some great friends during those times, I have no memory of my academic experience. Now, my education is the most important thing to me. I have a family that I care about. I want to get an education so that I can support them and show them that it pays to persevere, no matter how hard it may seem. If I could go back in time and talk to myself about college life, I would encourage myself to spend time visiting schools. I would make sure to explain that it IS hard work, but it is absolutely worth it. But my most important advice would be to ask for help, no matter how insignificant the task may seem.


I am a senior in college at age 59. If I new 45 years ago what I know now, I would have approached high school differently. My first decision that delayed me becoming a college student was my teen pregnancy. I was 8 months pregnant when I graduated as an honor student in 1969. I love my daughter, but I should have waited to get married and have children. I was an honor student throughout high school, but I prepared to get married and leave my alcoholic mother, instead of going to college. My goal should have been to attend college and work for a better life than my mother was able to give me. I waited until my husband died and my autistic son graduated from school before I started college. I should have put myself and my future first and attended college at age 18 and not 51. I should have concentrated more on academics and college boards and less on getting married and having a baby as a high school senior. I should have seen college as my ticket away from my mother's alcoholism instead of choosing teen marriage and pregnancy as my only way out!!


I would tell myself that everything was going to be ok in the end. I learned my first semester that sometimes you have to say no to going out when you know you have work to do or you have to study for a test. Because those other people that chose to go out in the middle of the week aren't going to do nearly as well as you did. But you have to put in the time and want to do well so you can succeed. The homesickness goes away eventually; plus there are other people feeling the same way. But most importantly don't judge your roommate by what you see on Facebook because she's not nearly as bad as you thought she was going to be. In fact you two will become best friends and tell each other everything and she's really what helps you get through college.


I would tell myself to consider all of my options more carefully. As a current university freshman I'm beginning to realize what my true passion in life is, but even as a high school senior my mind was clouded and overwhelmed by the concept of college. After my first semester I've really able to take a step back and look at things in a new perspective. I see now what I didn't see before. So if it were possible to go back in time I would tell myself to follow my heart and trust where it leads me. I'd say that first and foremost happiness is most important, and in many cases it will lead to success. Success, in my mind, then and now, is the ultimate goal and what every person should strive for.


I would tell myself to choose a college that is focused highly on academics. A college that offers me a lot in my major. One, that will help me find possible job oppurtunities in my senior year of college. A campus with a smaller amount of students, so the classes are smaller, and the professors can help each student individually. A campus with a little more to offer when it comes to social life, and possibly a co-ed school. A campus with a football team, for sporting events to go to would also have been something I would have told myself. Just a college that focuses on helping me do the best that I can.


Calm down. I know this process seems like a burden rather than a great experience. Try your hardest to do well on the SAT's. Your SAT scores can take you a long way. Not only can these scores determine your admittance, but they may also allow you to skip taking a class or two that your future friends may have to take. But believe me, applying early to colleges is a great step and might even reduce your stress level that most high school seniors experience when their nearing the end. The more you take this seriously, the better chances you have of going where you want to in life. This year is truly your first step in taking control of your future. Now, when you finally get to the college of your choice, or to the college that accepted you, stay focused. Know that having fun and partying is great and everything, but your work comes first. Because, of course you can party for those few years, but what is more important is the years after graduation. I have learned that hard work, and involvement in activities will continue to benefit me. Be a life long learner buddy.