The best advice I could possibly give myself would be to always take things in stride, never allowing myself to get behind or overwhelmed. College is a journey, one that must be walked out everyday to its utmost. I would warn myself that wasting time will only add to the general stress of school, and can cause my overall ability to not be as strong. Focus on learning all the information needed, not just the bare essentials. College is nothing like high school in that I must work harder than I ever have.
High school, especially during my senior year, was tough, especially knowing I would soon be going to a university where I knew no one. I came from a small high school where I knew everyone and everyone knew me. College is not like that at first, but knowing what I know now, I would encourage myself to be confident in who I am. Putting away all shyness and just being who I am is the best way to make new friends and make a smooth transition from high school to college.
But other than that I would remind myself to enjoy the journey that I am on.
First and foremost, look for scholarships. It is never to early to prepare for the hundreds of thousands of dollars that college will cost. Second, this is not high school anymore. You are being held to a new, much higher standard. You have to work longer and study harder. Don't be afraid to ask professors for help...that is what they are there for. Finally, have fun. College is when you discover who you are. This does not mean go out partying the night before a big exam. It means don't get so lost in the academics that you forget who you are. Take a Saturday night off and go have fun. College can be the best four years of your life.
When looking at colleges, make sure to look around. Look at schools close to home, far away, and in between. You might think you know what you want, but until you actually visit the college in person you will have no clue. Another good idea would be to set up an overnight visit with the college, by doing so, one is able to get the whole feel of a college experience from dorm life, the cafeteria, and classes. Make a pro and cons list of all the schools you visited to see which school is the best for you. Also be sure to take not of the actually courses the schools offer, job opportunities in the surrounding city, off campus activities, and campus life. In order to make the most of your college experience, make sure to keep you academics your first priority, but be sure to have fun. Get involved in various activities, try something new, and make lots of friends. Remember college is the start to a new part of your life, and you have the chance to be whoever or whatever you want to be.
The student going to college should look carefully into every college they are interested in and then pick the college that they think will be the right one for them as far as classes, location and the opportunities that they will encounter during their school years and the benefits that they will receive to make them better people in the future and better to serve their community in life.College is just a start in life and everyone no matter what their financial situation is deserves to make themself a better and happier person by getting the career that they want.
You need to find a place where you are most comfortable. A place that will not only help you acheive career goals but also make you happy. Colege is a big part of our lives and what we learn there we will take with us for the rest of our lives. Whether its in the classroom or from the friends that we make.
When looking for the right college you really need to look at who you are and where you come from. People feel most comfortable and open in a place they are able to feel at home, which enables the learning. Not all people want to live on a campus, but you still need to find that place that really overcomes you when being there. You have to like the overall core values of the school and be able to want to do that to feel like you belong. That's what helps in finding the right college.
When making the most of your college experience you need to really open yourself to growth in a new way. There is nobody to tell you when to get up or do your work. To succeed you have to motivated. To reach that level you have to want to be there and enjoy the people you are around. Somebody once told me that you go to college to find your bridesmaid not your groom. That is true to college life, you create bonds so strong with the ones around that it isn't just learning it is gaining a long term bond.
Learn what would be best for you.
Try to visit colleges that allow you to sit in on classes because that is the only way you will see what the college is really like. Also if you are not happy after one year with your school, transfer then because its much easier to transfer credits
Look at colleges of different sizes and locations to find the one that is right for you. Choose a school you want to attend not one a friend is going to or one someone in your family already attended. If you are not happy with the school you attend you're the one that will be miserable.