Very diverse student body- many more males than females due to computer science- still, alot of the males are very weird
This school is very, very diverse on all fields. Different types of students interact, but there are a few ethnic groups that "stick to themselves"
There is a tremendous variety of students at Carnegie Mellon. From the headstrong jock, to the middle-of-the-road college kid, to the CS major that never leaves his computer, they're all here. If you can't find someone like you at Carnegie Mellon, then you probably aren't looking that hard.
LOTS and LOTS of Asians. There are more people here from Seoul, Korea than there are from West of the Mississippi.
I am a gay, black, christian male. There are groups like Spirit (Black-awareness), ALLIES (Gay-Straight Alliance), SALSA (Spanish/Latin American), Mayur (Indian), ASA (Asian), etc. etc. Carnegie Mellon is a very open and welcoming environment. I am in a fraternity and all of my brothers know I'm gay. They knew while I was rushing that I was gay. None of them care; they actually try to set me up with guys. That's true for most of the fraternities and sororities on campus. Most people on campus are leaning left, though there are several who decline to comment. Like a lot of Generation Y, there are several students who are disinclined to put any amount of faith in the political system. CMU Students for Barack Obama has definitely changes things here recently on both sides of the fence. They have done so in a way that encourages dialogue and that demands knowledge on the issues. There has been a lot of talk about the presidential election and who people support and why.
CMU's student body is generally open, very intelligent, extremely hardworking, but less politically aware and more well-to-do. Many can be quiet and shy, but on the other hand the drama and voice majors from the College of Fine Arts are notorious for their loud, raucous actions.
CMU does not have an overly friendly student body. People are kind of reserved, and you get the feeling that a lot of people here were the unpopulars in high school. That is cool, because you never have that same feeling of I don't fit in and I want to as you did in high school. It's more a feeling of, I don't fit in, and I don't care. Although, I think a lot of people do find their niche and it's great for them. There is somewhat of a divide along racial lines...the asians with the asians, indians with indians (yes, I know that indians are asians, but you know what I mean), the african americans with the african americans..there is mixing, but there is also a lot of pride in "heritage" and a lot of events are geared towards celebrating a specific group of people. In the Chemical Engineering program, yes, we are excited to make big bucks coming out of this place.
CMU's student body is diverse. There are people here from all over the world, and yet I feel like we all mesh well together. However, I would say that the typical student comes from an upper middle class family from the Eastern United States or a country in Asia.
This is an extremely diverse campus. A lot of international students... mostly asian. Although it's so diverse though, these groups are definitley seperated. It's hard to think of a specific type of student that might feel out of place. Probably valley girls from the west coast with daddy's check card and bleach blonde hair wouldn't fit in great. Everyone here really fights for their own, and even the jocks are still pulling good grades in physics. This is definitley a college for extreme types of people: extreme geeks, extreme jocks, extreme artists, extremely cultured, etc. Anyone who's just average would probably want to go somewhere else.
There are a lot of students who come from wealthy families. Very few of them bring it up, but their spending habits sometimes give them away. Some students like to go out to eat all the time, and sometimes that puts strain on you if you can't afford the habit. Overall the campus is not very diverse when it comes to financial background.
Ethnically, CMU is fairly diverse, but on campus you will see some ethnic groups keeping to themselves.
Most students in engineering are in it for the money you can make coming out of CMU, not because they enjoy it.
You'll find that students are either really involved with student activities/organizations or not involved at all.