If you're korean you'll fit right in, international students are mostly from taiwan or korea and they roam in packs smoking marlboro ultra-lights and saying things about you in a language you don't understand. The only way to fight back is to speak pig-latin--they may know korean and english but they don't know pig latin---talk all the shit you want.
Too many people are smoking hookah in grass fields and on benches and stuff. Hookah's are inherently uncool, yet people at CMU gather with pride to smoke the stuff. It's like going to college in the year 2000. Permanently.
This school has about a million asians and very few black people. Most people here are rich or at least pretty well off. Also, almost everyone is Liberal. Most people expect to make a shit load (above 70k) after graduation.
very separate, not much interaction. none. jeans or sweatpants and a shirt. pittsburgh, or new jersey/new york. upper-middle class. yes.
Poor students feel out of place here. Asians are ballin', and the brown community is absolutely amazing.
Students get dressed up to go to classes. A lot of the girls are rocking out heels at 7AM.
Most students have made money.
CMU is a true melting pot of many different races, religions, and cultures. You will find an incredible mix of people with different backgrounds and experiences. There does tend to be a great deal of cliques and also a large number of spoiled "kids" who have no respect for anyone or anything but money. Money drives many of the students endeavors at CMU so creativity can sometimes fall to the wayside for pleasing a teacher for a grade. Students here whine about grades and the worklaod and it is a very cutthroat environment with everyone competing to be at the top of the class. But if you relax and do things your own way, you can find not only happiness at CMU, but friends that will be unlike any you've had before.
I dont think there is a single person who would feel out of place at Carnegie Mellon. It is one of the most diverse college campuses I have come across (and I say this by citing conversations with my high school friends). I can't imagine it being any different though. The greatest thing is that I have met amazing people from all over the world and now if I ever traveled to another country, chances are I would know someone who lives there! It's really exciting.
People here are really really involved with all sorts of things outside school. Honestly, sometimes I dont know how people can make it from day to day but its inspiring what people can accomplish here.
The student body here is diverse, but you'll find like a lot of places the races don't mix. The Asian kids are in their corner often speaking a different language, and the black kids are in another corner and then the athletes all stick together too with their respective teams. The only time you really mix groups is in class when you'll work with anyone if they can make studying or your homework easier. The other thing about the kids here is that they are universally dorky -- there are some normal kids who play sports and don't play Dungeons and Dragons, but my friend here told me this and I think it is true -- whenever you are around a CMU kid who you think is cool, just remember where they go to school and give them some time and they'll do something to give themselves away. Students are not political at all. Financial backgrounds-no clue, mostly wealthy I assume but it's hard to tell. They always are talking about how much they will make, it is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that students talk about to make all of the long nights studying and the lack of girls here all seem worth it.
CMU is a very open campus. There is tolerance of all races, religions, the LGBT, and socio-economic disparity. However there is a definite prep style here that isn't snobby. CMU students are from all over. Many students come from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York. But there are a huge minority of international students and people from the West Coast, Florida, and the
CMU is an extremely diverse campus with an extraordinarily accepting environment toward GLBT students, students of different races, and students of varying religions. I would not say that very many students come from "poor" backgrounds but there are a few and rarely will that ever come up in conversation. The drive of students is remarkable and it shows during junior and senior year when the contest to see who got the best internship or job creeps up. It's kind of cool to see the variety of interests in the student body: we have our friendly robotics people who wear their capes to class, the hippy crowd who don't wear shoes to class, the jocks (albeit few and far between) in their popped A&F shirt, and the vast majority of the rest who are your average Joe just like everyone else trying to get through one of the toughest academic schools in the country.