So very true. Nearly all CMU students are nerds in their own special way, and most display it very prominently.
At CMU not everyone is a nerd. There are plenty of cool people, too.
Actually, we have a lot of fun! It is just that for some people, programming a new kernel is fun. For others, drinking a lot and dancing is fun. I think for the most part, everyone is at least a little nerdy.
Within reason. We do study alot, but we got out too. Things are not very active socially on weekdays, but there's pretty much always a party on the weekends if you look. There's also a lot more to do in Pittsburgh than people think. You just have to look a little bit. I wouldn't say there are a lot of ugly people on campus, there just aren't a lot of gorgeous people.
Sure, there are kids like that. But I've also met some of the most outgoing and interesting people with such a range of interests through both working in dorms and meeting people in classes.
Well we certainly don't have as many attractive or athletic students as some schools, but we certainly do have people with great athletic abilities and nice looks.
It is true,a lot of our student population is in fact foreign, however,this is one of the best features of CMU. Our diverse student population means we get to truly learn about and interact with other cultures, and it certainly makes debating more interesting.
I would also imagine that a lot of people here would admit to being geeky or nerdy but that doesn't mean many people walk around with their pocket protectors on(except of course computer science majors, they always have theirs in). People here just take a great interest in whatever their passion is so they tend to be geeky about whatever they love.
80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accurate
Yes and no. There are certainly a few students who fit this profile but by and large I'd say that this is not the case.
Some... I think that for the most part, everyone here is extremely dedicated to what they do and extremely dedicated to learning... so in a way we are nerds of our specific majors... as for computers, no not everyone loves them but technology definitely has a strong presence on campus
Yes, these stereotypes do fit many people here, but there are also many people who do not fit these stereotypes. It is true that people work hard here, but I think thateveryone who complains about too much work really enjoys it in the long run.