Carnegie Mellon University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Carnegie Mellon University accurate?


The Computer Science majors are nerdy, geeky, and extremely uncommunicative, though not necessarily for other majors. A very small percentage of CMU students are attractive; this is a much smalle percentage than other campuses.


Yes, for the most part. Although we do have Carnival where everyone lets loose.


HELL NO. 1. I am not a nerd, and I study a good deal but we all do it because we care about our classes and our future. However, I spend WAY more time going out and having fun doing whatever I want than I do studying. Don't tell my parents that, though... 2. There are lots of good looking people. I might be biased, but my sorority is full of some very very pretty girls. And the football team is littered with hot guys and hot bodies. Usually people involved in sports are pretty good looking and I have never had a time when I didnt think 4 or 5 guys I know are "hott" or "sexy" 3. We definately party. There are lots of things to do. It's what you make of it. If you WANT to just stay in your room alone, that's on you. But if you are like me, and can't sit still...there's always something to do with friends. 4. I came from sunny and beautiful Florida, but I still love Pittsburgh. The weather is not bad. I love playing in the snow, seeing leaves change color, and spring...thats a beautiful thing. And since Pittsburgh is the 2nd biggest college town in America, hell yes there is always something to do in the city or at one of the many schools or in the adorable bouroughs that your ID gets you the bus to for free! Again, it's what you make of it. There's so much here, but you have to WANT to go out.


Generally no, there are tons of fun, outgoing, attractive students at CMU.


For maybe, 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body, yes. There is definitely the element of the student body that are just incredibly smart but anti-social math, science, or engineering students. However, it's not really fair to assess everyone like that. CMU has about 5000 undergrads and there is really never a shortage of people to go out with on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or even Tuesday night.


Are we nerds some of of but we do know how to have fun and relax. We dont work 24/7




...:)...some of them, everyone definitely isnt ugly and antisocial...but for the technical/science majors, the rest is pretty accurate:)


To an extent yes, the average Carnegie Mellon student is compelled to spend very little time socially to offset the consistent pressure that results from the school workload.


I believe these stereotypes are inaccurate. Concerning the social scene, I think its important to highlight the differences between a small, private university and a state school. Our social scene is just different, not non existent. Also, our school is diverse in many disciplines. As engineering and computer science are great programs, CMU also has a great reputation for the fine arts.