Because CMU is a computer science school (among other things) we are right up there with MIT as far as people who avoid eye contact with anything but a computer screen. However, because they are usually so quiet and introverted, they aren't around a lot. In fact, most of the people you see on a day to day basis are normally neither unattractive nor introverted.
There definitely is a significant population of East-Asian students. There is also a large number of female students especially in non-engineering and science fields.
Mostly. There are alot of different majors other than engineering and computer science, there are cute girls--but there are a precious few and they are quickly snatched up. plenty of people have sex--as long as they aren't too busy playing World of Warcraft. There's alot of studying for alot of people--but if you can bullshit you'll get by just fine. There's not much to do -- if you have an ID you can go to the bars, you can go to the fraternities, or house parties on the weekends--most extracurricular activities involve getting drunk, and hopefully getting high.
To some extent-yes. This school isn't a party school, people come here to study hard and get an amazing job after college. I believe that people focus too much on academics and don't think about the community that they live in, that being said...I am somewhat of a hippie. I think that this school is amazing if you give it a chance.
Well, these are somewhat accurate, but there are some people who care about more things than books and are attractive. I would say that most of the time people over-emphasize this and also have unrealistic expectations for themselves.
I say the only thing that is really true across the board is that fact that Carnegie Mellon is very difficult. While you will find people who would rather spend a friday night in their room on their computer, there are plenty more who go out and have a good time. People here are incredibly intelligent and I am constantly blown away by other students, but everyone is so involved with so many things that usually their academic record is not even close to their only accomplishment.
Some people dont sleep. Personally I think that is crazy and get at least 7 hours of sleep on school nights
I think most people at CMU are huge nerds--but this is something that we celebrate. Also, our nerdiness is more defined by the fact that we all care a lot about what we do. At the commencement speech my freshman year, the speaker talked about how great it is that we're all nerdy because it means that we're all passionate about something. It's what links us all together. Some people play World of Warcraft, I guess. It's not an incredibly common activity, though. And I have yet to see anyone with a pocket protector. As for the attractiveness of the student body, I think CMU is probably comparable to our peer institutions. Fact is, most people here just care more about their homework than spending several hours primping in the mirror before class. Personally, I think that's a good thing.