Carroll University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carroll University know before they start?


I would tell myself to take more AP classes and really look for a campus that fits YOU and not anyone else.


As I have grown greatly since high school, there could be a number of things that I would tell my senior self. One might be to apply to more schools than I did in an effort to get more financial aid. Another could be to advance my study skills for future use in my college life. However, I think that given the option to talk to my high school self, I would not have said anything reknowned or distiguished. It is because I knew what I did when I started college that I have learned what I have and had the experiences that I did. I am glad that I am the person I am today, and I would not want to say or do anything that could change the path that brought me to where I am now. I doubt that the person that resulted from any advice I could give now would be the same person that I am today. Obstacles and life happen not for the outcome, but for the journey.


Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would give myself some advice. Knowing what I know now, I would advise myself to always take advantage of opportunities and never settle for less. This includes my grades. I should always keep them a number one priority.


College is a place where students can start there lives over again. Whatever happened in high school will not necessarilly occur again in college. Students will find their place in college and develop a sense of freedom and what it is like to be an adult.


I would advise both parents and students to visit the perspective campus when classes are in session, typically fall or spring, this allows you to see what the environment of the campus is actually like rather than what the admissions office is trying to present it as. As well, talk to the students around campus, near the eating areas (too see how food is), living areas (check out their room accomodations), and general class/campus experience. Nothing gives a better picture of if a school is right for you than seeing how the students feel, you will also get a sense of the type of students on the campus and if those people are ones you will fit in with. There is nothing better than the moment when you feel everything click into place and you can say with confidence that you could see yourself there. Good luck!!


Just keep doing what you were doing in high school. Some of the work may get harder but you can ask for help. Parents let your child find the right school, it may take awhile but they will know what they want when they see it.


Visit and experience as many schools as possible. By broadening your outlook on future schools you may attend, you grasp a greater vision of what you truly want in a school. As for receiving the most out of the college experience: be true to who you are and become involved. Think about your actions before you actually initiate them.




The best advice I can give to anyone is for the student to do an on campus over-night visit. You really are able to be submerged into the activities, the students, the classes, and the campus in general by staying with a student. You also need to list the pro's and con's of a school as soon as you get in the car to leave because otherwise you forget the things that caught your attention as well as turned you away from the college or university. This helps when you go back and are comparing schools. It can really help to decide between two schools you are stuck on. Last, do not be afraid to visit a second or third or even fourth time if need be. It is a decision that is very difficult to make for both student and parent. The parents' support is one of the best things a student can have.


Start your search early! I can't emphasis that enough! Also if you're unsure of what school you want to go to, but you have narrowed it down to a few, check out the campuses and see if you can maybe spend the night in a dorm. It's a great experience and it helps you decide whether the school is the right fit or not! And when your at school, make the most of it by getting involved in different activites, but also remember to study! You're not just there to play but also work!!