Carroll University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carroll University know before they start?


If I could go back and tell myself anything about college life it would be prepare yourself to really learn who you are. Going into college I thought I knew myself and to an extent I did. However, there were many changes I saw within myself and it has caused me to grow tremendously as a person. The best way to really discover you is to engage yourself with the campus. Dive into the activities your school provides because those are some of the best expereiences you will engage in. You will meet lifelong friends, learn new information, and possibly win prizes! I know when I look back at my life school, specifically college, will be the most fond experience that helped define who I am, and I hope that when I'm done I can look back and say I made the best of those 4 years.


I am 47 years old and never been to college but I am ready to go and get a degree to better myself and my family. I have been a housewife for 27 years and a mother to five children and my youngest just graduated last spring. Now I have time for me and I want to get a degree in accounting and open my own business and maybe, who knowns maybe my daughter will go to college and get a degree instand of what I did (wait for 25 years to do something). I would really love to go back to school but the money is the biggest issue


College has helped me be more confident in myself. I was nervous because I didn't think that I was smart enough for some of the classes that I was in, but the professors helped me develope studying skills to increase and maintain my grade. I play football for Carroll University and that has helped me build character, manage my time, stay in shape, and meet many friends. College has also helped me figure out my five year plan, which is to graduate here at Carroll University in 4 years with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. The year after I graduate, I plan to join the United States Air Force. I have learned that I have to be responsible for my actions and decisions, and I have to take care of the little things in life like washing dishes or doing laundry. I think the most important thing that I have gotten out of Carroll University so far is that I have to learn to be around a diverse group of people. I am not used to that because my high had a population of around 300 students. I cant imagine being anywhere else.


Not everyone is able to go to college. Therefore, I am very thankful to my parents for giving me the opportunity to get an education so I can learn as much as I can. School is about education and learning, but that isn't the only thing I have learned. I've learned how to be independent and to find my own values and beliefs. I'm experiencing a new world and what my future has to bring. College has made me discover my true passions in life. I want to study abroad and make a difference in someone else's life. Getting a chance to volunteer with another community other than your own is very rewarding and shows respect and loyalty. In today's world without an education, it's difficult to fulfill a person's dreams. College has given me the opportunity to make new friends, discover something I didn't know about myself, join new clubs, find a passion for a class I would never have taken, play a sport or extracurricular activity, learn about a different culture, religion or history of the world. I am blessed to have the opportunity to go to college.


College has allowed me to experience many things that I never imagined I would experience. It has provided me with many educational, social, and job opportunities. With professors who are extremely interested and knowledgeable in their fields, I have developed a new appreciation for learning. I have also learned how to interact with my peers at a greater level, and have expanded my critical thinking skills. I have also become involved in a volunteer mentorship organization through the college. This has allowed me to develop the skills that I will need for my future career, as well as the opportunity to help a child in need. College has also provided me with the resources for advancing my educational, social, and job skills for the future. I came to college expecting to simply learn new information for my field of study, but have come out with so much more. College has taught me how to become a more responsible, independent, social, and educated individual who is now interested with the issues that are affecting the community. College has allowed me to grow as a person, and I cannot wait for the years to follow.


My experience at my current college is an umbrella filled with many lessons learned. Yet one that stood out is the ability to stand out and say "I am worthy". In High School I had the most difficult time academically. Even though I was involved with after school activities like soccer, track and field, and dance, I had a low GPA due to bad grades, I was not getting anything out of lectures. I thought I was worthless since not many 4-year Universities would approve of my academics. I enrolled at Chaffey Community College since it was my last resort. I thought that meant nothing to my career. Yet, I took classes with professors that explained lessons a lot more blunt than my high school teachers. I knew right then and there that I was not stupid and I just needed a more dynamic tutoring with my studies. I cannot say I could find that help anywhere else other than in this facility. Now I have completed my General Education and lower division classes for my major under a GPA of 3.80 and ready to transfer and move on up in the next chapter of my academic career.


Over my one year of attending college, I have gained confidence and knowledge. I have learned to manage my time wisely, valuable study skills that I know I will use for my years to come of school. I have taken public speaking courses which have boosted my confidence and made me more comfortable with speaking and interacting with strangers. The courses I have taken, varying from compositions to chemistry and calculus, have helped me grow as a person as well. My composition classes helped me grow an appreciation for writing, researching, and politics. Chemistry helped me grow fonder of the sciences. Before taking the class I was not a fan of science whatsoever, but now I have confidence in pursuing my undergraduate major in biology. Calculus made me appreciaate very much the hundred dollar calculator I had purchased for the class! College has shaped me into who I am today: confident, knowledgeable, beautiful, courageous, and intelligent. I hope to continue on my path to become Dr. Cheyenne Williams, more confident, more knowledgeable, even more beautiful, more courageous, and highly intelligent.


I have learned many things from college and it's only been a year and a half of studying. My first year was realizing I was on my own and my family wasn't there to hold my hand anymore. I had learned to organize my time by jugling school work, my job, and spending time with family and friends, It took a while for me to finally realize college isn't all fun and games. I am currently in one of the sororities at Carroll College "Chi Omega." This has been a big part of my college experience because it has made me volunteer more for my community such as raising money for "Make-a-Wish" Foundation and also having my own position within the chapter at Carroll University. I am very blessed to have teacher's and a president who really do care about their students because if it wasn't for them I might not be going to Carroll. College is needed for my every day life. It's where I need to be in order to get where I want to go, and that is to be a Nurse at Childrens Hospital.


Before I attended college I did not know the difference between undergraduate and graduate degrees. I never took the SAT or ACT exams. If I had never atteneded classes at a secondary education istitution I would not have learned time management, financial budgeting, basically how to be a student, and also what it really means to be a student. In high school I was comfortable doing simply enough to graze by, because I just wanted to graduate and be an adult. Learning and good grades were at the bottom of my list of goals. Since I graduated from high school, my eyes have been opened to the excitement of pregistering for a course I am actually curious about. The excitement that comes from the pressure of studying for exams or working through the artistic process to complete a project. And the feeling of success to see that my hard work paid off with an above average grade. The college experience taught me to care about my future and take pride in the work that I do.


I am a person that has fought with Social Anxiety Disorder for more than a decade. I didn't think I would ever be able to pursue the career of my choice or even to be around strange people. Going to college has changed that in ways that no pill or therapy ever could. I have been forced out of my comfort zone time and time again. Each time it happens I learn how much I am capable of. I learn that people are not the scary monsters I've always made them out to be, and that one of the most rewarding parts of college life is connecting with others who share my passion for knowledge. As a result of college I am now able to work a job that deals heavily with customer service, I can speak before others in a formal setting, and I can have meaningful relationships. I would never have been able to do this before. Every time I meet one of my personal goals I can chalk it up to the influence of my classmates and professors. College has, for me, turned a former wall into a mere obstacle.