Central Michigan University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I have grown up in Mt. Pleasant, so Central has always been in my life, and I have always known, for the most part, what Central was like. In general, I wish I would have known how expensive college really is. I have always grown up hearing how college costs so much money, but it never really occurred to me until my first semester. With the tuition, housing, meal plan, books, and other class fees, it is hard to believe how many people go to college. I just wish I had been more aware of all the costs.


I wish I had know more about how student loans work. I wish I had know more about transfering and equivalencies. It would have been nice to know how much more you learn at a unversity like CMU as opposed to a school like my previous one. I guess it would have been nice to know exactly how big the school is and how many people I would encounter.


I wish I had known that there wasn't any free public transportation. There is a campus shuttle which is practically inexpensive. But as a college student sometimes your budget doesn't allow you to splurge.


Before I came to college I was aceing all of my high school classes and still had all the time in the world for free time. When I got to college it was a wake up call. I wish I had known how demanding the course load for an engineering major would be so I would be prepared to dedicate more time to earning adicuate grades. For future years I will know better and manage my time as such.


Once I started attending my classes at Central Michigan University, I wish that I had known that the people were going to be so friendly. The teachers at this school are very easy to talk to and had I known this before coming here I would have done much better my first semester.


I wish I had known that relationships take an incredible amount of time and commitment. I entered my first relationship during my second year of college, and, although it has brought be tremendous happiness, is has also consumed a great deal of energy. Contributing to a successful relationship requires providing time for one?s partner; it also requires taking on and helping to cope with the stress she endures in her own life. I would not go back if I had the chance; however, I would recommended having an organized life before attempting to make a relationship work.


I wish I would have known that there is really nothing to do outside of the campus. There is a Walmart and a Target that's in walking distance from the school and that's it.


That not many students will actually be accepted into the graphic art program. That is what I wanted to go for and I have even met with an advisor and they had never mentioned that information. I had to find out at orientation. I wish they wouldn't have withheld that information from me when I had first met with an advisor.


Rather than something I wish I had "known" I wish I would have taken more AP tests in high school because the first two years of college seem to be an extension of high school classes I have already taken. So, taking AP tests would have allowed me to avoid "repeat" classes in my first couple of years here.


I wish I would have known how hard it is to balance school work with leisure time.