Central Michigan University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had joined more clubs and associations to get more life experience.


Before I came to this school I wish that I would have known how many extra classes are required outside your major as well as how difficult it is to enroll in classes before they are full.


I wish I would have taken my high school guidance counselors seriously and prepard more instead of waiting until college. It took a lot of work to understand what I should have already known.


To get more involved


I wish I would have been able to sit in on a few classrooms. It's hard to know whether the class sizes are adequate.


I wish i would have had a major picked out


I think that I was ready to come to this school. Possibly know more about diverstiy.


How expensive it is to come to school.


I wish I had known how much financial burdens are upon you after graduation. Maybe I wouldn't have taken out so many student loans, but at the time it was easier to pay for college that way than severely struggling. Although I had a blast in college, I wish I had used more thought when applying for certain financial aid and loans. My message to prospective students to any college would be just that: think before you sign those promissory notes!


I wish I had known more about my chosen major and field before I decided to pursue a degree in it. With a bachelor's degree in psychology, there are little to no jobs available. In order to obtain a lucritive career with a B.S. degree in psychology, one must continue their education in graduate school and obtain a masters or doctoral degree. Had I known this before hand, I may have chosen a different major and career path. I also wish the requirements for graduate school admission had been made known to me during freshman year.