Central Michigan University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Its more expensive than other universities around the same size


Money... I wish that i had more scholarships and some more money to pay for my schooling. I can't live on campus this year because of the fact neithier parents or i could afford it.


I wish that I didn't necissarily know anything about the school before I came rather than wishing I could go back and get my butt in gear during highschool so that I would be more prepared for colege.


I wish I would have known all the hard work you do have to put into school. Studying is not an option like it was in high school, it is a priority.


I wish I knew there would be no music scholarships.


How expensive it was going to be.


I wish i had known to take advantage of the many opportunites that my school has to offer for students. Now intering my somp year i will be more active and more outgoing for campus activities


I wish I would have known how difficult it really is living with someone in a small space with different sleep styles... And I wish I would have known not to be overly nice with roommates because they like to use you for all its wroth sometimes. There are good ones and there are bad ones but individual lessons I wish i would have known before hand LoL


What i can fit in my dorm room.


Before I came to Central it would have been helpful to know the different organizations and Registered Student Organizations available for students to join. Also, I wished I would have known the appropriate amount of classes to take in a semester. Taking two chemistry classes in one semester wasn't a wise decision for me.